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on running, and my first 5k


Happy Valentine's Day!!! after V-Day!  I started this post yesterday but didn't have a chance to finish it, so bear with me if some of my wording is off...  :) My hubb and I started the morning right with the Amnesty International Valentine's Day Couples fun!!!  What a beautiful morning for a race! race-2 There were probably 200-300 people there, all in their bright-colored cool-weather gear.  The temperature was 25* when we left the house, and it probably climbed to 30* by the time the race started.  My hubb and I stayed together for the first mile, then I urged him to go forward without me once I heard our 1-mile split...9:14!!!  That is fast for me, and I felt like I was going to burn myself out too quickly if I tried to keep up with him.  He pushed ahead and I slowed down just second mile split was 18:42!  The first two miles were on a hilly road, and the last mile was on a very hilly trail through the woods that slowed me down quite a bit.  We even had to climb over a fallen tree!  So my final time was 30:20...which I am THRILLED with!  I really wanted to beat a 10 min./mile average and would have loved to beat 30 minutes, but I wasn't expecting the trail and that totally threw my time off.  If the entire 3.1 miles had been like the first 2 miles I think I would have finished around 28 minutes... My hubb did really well too for his first race, finishing just ahead of me.  I can't wait for our next race together! race-1 So...I have been thinking about running a lot lately.  You all know that I had a foot injury a few weeks ago that slowed my training down quite a bit, in fact it completely halted my training for about a week and sent me from a 5.5-mile long run back down to 3-miles because of foot pain at any greater distance. It was frustrating.  Its still frustrating, because even after last weekend's 4.5-mile push my foot was really sore.  You all know how much I wanted to finish the Charlottesville 10-Miler this year after injury kept me from it last year, and you've been an incredible support system, helping me to get through ridiculous cold weather runs and injury and being a great source of advice and encouragement.  I have been dreading writing this post ever since last weekend's run, because that run was my test.  The test to see how my foot would feel at a distance greater than 3.5 miles.  The test to see how my endurance held up during my training hiatus.  The test to see if it was possible for me to push forward and complete the training for the 10-miler, which is now a mere 7 weeks away. foot failed the test.  I hope that I don't get any negative feedback for the statement I am about to write, for my greatest sadness in this whole experience is my fear that I am going to disappoint you all. I've decided to stop training for the 2009 Charlottesville 10-Miler. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who think that going from 4-5 miles to 10 miles in 7 weeks is totally a possibility, and it probably is, for some people.  But I've learned that my body doesn't handle accelerated training and big increases in running distance very well.  I injure myself, and no race is worth me injuring myself any further than I already have.  And, I realized in the last few days that the last sentence in the above paragraph was what was keeping me in the training program, not my intense desire to run the race by my even greater desire to not disappoint you all.  When I went back and read my running story yesterday, these are some of the statements that leapt from my computer screen...
I never liked running, it was hard, I told myself I wasn’t made for it.  But secretly when I would see a runner out on the road lost in their own world or a pair of runners chatting away as they jogged I would think “I wish that I loved to run.”  I’d hear friends talk about how they “just NEED to run, my day’s not complete without it” and I’d think “why I can’t I have that passion for something so good for me?” an effort to find the inner runner in ME, I’ve signed up for the training program again this year.  To be clear, I am participating in the program to find my motivation, my inner runner and hopefully a few more running buddies. I will be perfectly happy to get back up to 4-5 miles and stay there if I feel like my body can’t handle any more distance. I am determined to listen to my body and slow down if I start to feel injuries coming on.
I remembered that I started this training program so that I could get back into running.  So that I could learn to love to run, whether with a running buddy or on my own.  Through this experience I've learned that I really enjoy running 3-4 miles, and anything past that gets boring and tedious for me.  I've learned that 5K's are a lot of fun, and I get a big thrill out of pushing myself to go faster, but not necessarily longer.  I've learned that I look forward to a 3-4 mile run with my hubb or a friend, but when I get to 5-6 miles I dread it.  I've learned that my body may not be capable of safely running long distances...and I'm ok with that.  So, in my eyes, this training program was a complete success. I've decided to stick with shorter distances.  To run for my health and my enjoyment and to challenge myself by increasing speed rather than distance. There are plenty of 5K's out there, the C'ville Women's 4-Miler, even some 8K's and 10K's that may be possible.  I may even try a mini-triathlon sometime.  And maybe eventually I'll try long distances again, if after running consistently for awhile my desire to challenge myself in that way returns.  But I won't be disappointed with myself if I never get to that point, and I hope that you all won't be disappointed either. Whew!  Thanks for sticking with me, if you've gotten this far!  I really needed to get it all out there, and I'll be updating my running page soon to reflect the latest events in my story.

Now, on to food!

My apologies for not posting the last couple of days.  I know you all understand since I have been on a big big big deadline.  Unfortunately, my deadline was pushed from Friday to Monday.  Typically I would be thrilled to have 2 extra days to work on a project, but not when those two days are my weekend!  Argh.  Most of my meals were packed up in the morning and eaten at the office, so they are pretty standard. Breakfast Thursday:  toasted ezekiel muffin, 1/2 with 1 tbsp TJ's natural PB and 1/2 with 1 tbsp sour cherry preserves.  And some red grapes. [415 cal] 090212-b11 Lunch Thursday:  big ol' salad with spinach, baby blends, red bell pepper, broccoli, cucumber, hearts of palm, black olives, roasted garlic hummus and some TJ's fat free balsamic vinaigrette. [207 cal] 090212-l11 Snacks Thursday:  an apple (saved my pear for a snackie dessert bowl once home) and a Clif White Chocolate Macadamia Nut bar, 1/2 before my run and 1/2 after.  I am IN LOVE with the WCMN bar...even more so than the iced gingerbread.  Which is a good thing because the WCMN bar isn't seasonal! [321 cal] 090212-s11 Exercise Thursday:  3-1/2 mile run with my friend was fabulous and got me totally pumped up for my 5K. [-360 cal] I actually made dinner in the morning and packed it up to take to the office with me, knowing it would be a late night.   Dinner Thursday:  baked chicken breast with Country Bob's All-Purpose Sauce, 1 cup steamed broccoli and 3/4 cup Near East Whole Grain Blends, roasted garlic flavor. [406 cal] 090212-d11 And I know you all have seen this fabulous sauce popping up all over the blog world...  I received two bottles of Country Bob's All-Purpose Sauce last week and was excited to try it on my chicken.  Let me tell you, it is some good stuff.  Its kind of a cross between bbq and worschestshire sauce, with a smokey tang that truly would be good on most anything I can imagine.   090212-d21 I"ll be hosting a give-away so that a couple of my lovely readers can try out their own bottles of Country Bob's, but I need to clarify a couple of things with the company first.  Stay tuned! Dessert Thursday:  snackie dessert bowl with 1 sliced pear, 2 heaping tbsp Fage 0% yogurt, 1 tsp honey.  No picture, I was too tired. [149 cal] Daily Totals: Thursday
  • Calories Consumed:  1498
  • Calories Expelled:  360
  • Net Calories:  1138
Breakfast Friday:  toasted ezekiel muffin with 1-1/2 tbsp TJ's natural PB and a sliced banana [423 cal] 090213-b11 Lunch Friday:  1/2 a leftover chicken breast, thawed black-eyed peas and ham from New Years Day on a bed of spinach, and some red grapes. [360 cal] 090213-l11 Snacks Friday:  a mandarin orange, I decided against my apple because it just didn't sound good.  Weird. However, when my boss brought in red wine, cheese and crackers for our Friday afternoon festivities, that sounded good.  It had been a long week, and it wasn't close to being over.  I had a small glass of wine and about 2oz of swiss cheese, with 4 table water crackers. [402 cal] 090213-s11 I wanted to load up on carbs for our race the next morning, so dinner Friday was a kitchen sink pasta. Saturday is grocery day, so I had some veggies that I wanted to use up.  Basically anything and everything I could find went in. Dinner Friday:  kitchen sink pasta and lots of water [548 cal] 090213-d1 This yummy bowl contained:
  • 1 cup brown rice pasta
  • 365 brand marinara sauce
  • onion
  • garlic
  • bell peppers
  • broccoli
  • chickpeas
  • shitake mushrooms
  • fresh basil
  • crushed red pepper
  • 2 tbsp part-skim mozzerella
090213-d2 It really hit the spot.  Sometimes a big bowl of pasta is exactly what you need after a long week. 090213-d31 Daily Totals: Friday
  • Calories Consumed: 1733
  • Calories Expelled:  none
  • Net Calories:  1733 (yikes!  luckily wine/cheese friday is only one day/week!)
I don't have many pictures for Saturday... Breakfast Saturday:  1/2 Clif Iced Gingerbread bar pre-race, 1/2 banana and 1/2 bagel post-race [330 cal] Lunch Saturday:  3/4 cup Fage 0%, 1 sliced banana, a drizzle of honey and 1/4 cup TJ's pumpkin spice was exactly what I wanted. [331 cal] 090214-l1 Snacks Saturday:  1 pear and 4 table water crackers while at the office, a ZBar after grocery shopping [311 cal] My hubb and I had a lovely Valentine's Day evening.  We started off at an engagement party for some good friends.  I have a picture of Liz and I, but sadly none of me with my hubb!  Such a shame because he looked so handsome all dressed up... lize-engagement After the party we went to dinner at L'Etoile, a French restaurant in town that I have been dying to try for quite some time.  They serve food prepared using a lot of locally-produced products, which I am a big proponent of.  Again, no pictures!  So sad because it was really a wonderful evening. We started with wine (I had chardonnay) and an amuse-bouche from the chef, a bite-size morsel of cornichon, prosciutto and roquefort sprinkled with fresh chives.  It was perfect. Then I moved on to the lobster bisque, which was hands-down my favorite part of the meal, even better than dessert.  I just don't get enough lobster in my life... My hubb had the duck confit, which I also tried a bite of and loved.  I'm not usually a fan of duck because it is so oily, but this dish was divine.  After our appetizers we were brought the winter salad, which consisted of arugula, apples, walnuts and local cheese with a champagne vinaigrette.  I am a huge fan of arugula, I loved the combination of its spicy bite with the sweet apples and vinaigrette.  For my entree' I picked the rockfish in brown butter sauce with fingerling potatoes and hericot verts.  The fish was cooked perfectly, but the flavor wasn't anything outstanding.  And my potatoes were undercooked, still a little crunchy and lacking in flavor.  For dessert we decided on the tasting for two, which consisted of chocolate cake with peanut butter ganache, kettle corn revisited...a sweet/salty combination of cake and ice cream which was truly wonderful, a "french toast" brioche bread pudding with maple syrup and brown sugar, and an undercooked creme brulee'.  It was a lovely evening in a beautiful atmosphere with delicious food and the love of my life.   And now, I must return to the office.  :(  I am going to take a break mid-day to go to yoga, and hopefully we'll be having dinner with a friend tonight.  I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!
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packin' it up


Good evening!  I had a very long day again today, but it started with a RUN!  That's right, I was in bed last night by 11:10pm and up at 6:05am...whippee! My hubb and I ran 3 miles.  It felt great to be out stretching my legs as the sun was rising and I got a little thrill each time today when I remembered that I had ALREADY worked out.  Love that!  I really need to make this whole morning run thing part of my regular routine...  Its especially helpful during these busy weeks at the office when the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is work out. Exercise:  3-mile run [-318 cal] So I knew that today would be a long day, and I packed up plenty of food to sustain me through breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It wound up being an intuitive eating day, I just snacked my way through whenever I found a spare moment. Breakfast:  1/2 cup Fage 0% with 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup TJ's pumpkin spice granola and 2 chopped figs. [256 cal] 090211-b1 For lunch I made my hubb a couple of mexi-wraps because we were out of lunch meat (his typical packed lunch of choice).  They looked SO good that I decided to make one for myself too. Lunch:  mexi-wrap made with whole wheat tortilla, spinach, salsa, black beans, frozen corn, black olives, red bell pepper, 1 tbsp monterrey jack cheese and green onions [246 cal] 090211-l1 090211-l2 Snacks:  I packed grapes and a pear, but wound up saving my pear for later.  I did go on a walk to the coffee shop with my hubb and gave in to a gluten-free chocolate biscotti - it was just one of those kind of days. [grapes = 110 cal, biscotti = 280 (a went with the highest calorie count I found on was a big biscotti)] 090211-s1 For dinner I packed myself some leftover lentil chili on top of a bed of spinach.  When I heated the dish it made the spinach all was so good in the chili!  So good that I think I'll consider actually adding spinach directly to the chili next time I make it. Dinner:  leftover chili on spinach [365 cal] 090211-d5 When I finally got home I was craving some dessert  My pear made a a snackie dessert bowl! Dessert:  6oz Oikos honey-flavored yogurt, 1 sliced pear and 3 lemon snaps, crumbled [341 cal] 090211-d1 See what I mean?  It was such a snackie, intuitive day full of little 250 cal - 350 cal meals.  I actually really liked it, and my numbers aren't too bad either. Daily Totals:
  • calories consumed = 1598
  • calories expelled = 318
  • net calories = 1280
Alright, I'm going to go catch up with my hubb and shoot for an 11pm bed time again.  Maybe I'll do some yoga in the morning, since I missed tonight's class again!!!  Darn project deadlines.  I'm sorry I haven't answered any comments yesterday or today...I'll get there soon, promise.  I miss reading all of your blogs, too!  Hopefully I can catch up soon.  Oh!  I did catch in my reader that Meghann is having a contest to give away an awesome sports bra!!!  Be sure to check it out, or not, so that I have a better chance of winning!  :) Can I win if I'm family?!? G'night!
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lentil chili with cumin, corn and green onions


I'm a sleepy girl again tonight, and trying my best to be in bed at 11pm.  Thanks for all of your feedback on how much sleep you all sounds like none of us are getting enough!  Its sad that the things that are good for us - sleeping, working out, cooking - are typically the first things to slack on when we get busy with life.  But that is why there are food blogs out there, to show us all that it IS possible to lead a busy, HEALTHY lifestyle.  I'm still working on mine...!  :)  I skipped out on my run this morning in favor of sleeping for an extra 45 minutes...these late nights are really screwing with my exercise plans! By the time I get home from work I'm too tired for anything other than yoga, so if I want to keep my running on track I've got to modify my schedule.  See?!? Busy = slacking on my good-for-me tasks.  Did I tell you all that I'm signed up for a 5K this weekend?!?  I don't think I did!  My hubb and I are running the Amnesty Valentine's Day 5K, in the neighboring town of Crozet.  I'm super-excited...this will be my first 5k!!!  I've run the Charlottesville Women's 4-miler twice, but never a 5K before. And, this race will be with my hubb, who has NEVER run a race before!  So fun.  Don't worry, I'll be telling you guys all about it on Saturday!  :)   On to some eats...I'm going to try keep it quick. I loved my breakfast this morning, it was so simple and hearty and delicious.  And it stuck with me for a full 4 hours.  Have I mentioned how much I love the Ezekiel sprouted wheat english muffins?  Because I do, I love them SO much and could easily eat one every single day.   Breakfast:  a toasted ezekiel muffin, 1/2 with TJ's crunchy PB and 1/2 with sour cherry preserves.  Also, 1 cup of red grapes. [440 cal] 090210-b1 Lunch:  leftover potato leek soup with kale, and a hearty oat biscuit. [437 cal] 090210-l2 090210-l1 Afternoon Snack: 6oz 0% Fage and one AMAZING Murcott Mandarin was like eating an orange creamsicle dessert! [130 cal] 090210-l3 I planned to go for a run after work, so had my a pre-run snack at my usual 5pm time.  But, I wound up staying late at the office and got home too late for a run...I was just too beat.  And THAT is why I need to get to bed that I can get my bootie out of bed for my morning run!  Its just so hard to stay motivated to work out at the end of the day, I'd much rather come home and get dinner going so we can start winding down. Afternoon Snack #2:  Clif chocolate chip fave.  I love these little guys! [130 cal] 090210-s1 Dinner tonight was quick, simple and DELICIOUS.  I found a recipe for Lentil Chili with Cumin and Green Onions in the February 2008 issue of Bon Appetit.  I planned to follow it exactly, but found that we were out of a couple of key ingredients, Chili Powder and Tomato Puree.  So instead I modified it slightly, substituting Ancho Chili Pepper, tomato sauce and tomato paste.  I also added frozen corn at the last minute and am so glad that I did. The corn cut the heat of the chili with a lovely, mild sweetness, really increasing the depth of flavors.   090210-d1 090210-d2 090210-d4 Lentil Chili with Cumin, Corn and Green Onions [adapted from Bon Appetit, February 2008] made 2 dinner servings and 1 small lunch serving 362 calories, 7.6g fat, 1.4g sat fat, 58g carbs, 18g fiber, 19g protein Ingredients:
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp ancho chili pepper
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 4 cups water, plus extra
  • 1 cup dried green lentils
  • 8oz tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 3/4 cup frozen corn
  • 1/2 cup green onions, chopped
  1. Heat oil in large sauce pan on medium.  Add onion and saute' for 2 minutes.  Add garlic, saute' for 30 seconds.  Add ancho chili pepper, cumin, cayenne, and oregano, stir for 30 seconds.
  2. Add water, lentils, tomato sauce and tomato paste.  Bring mixture to a boil and drop heat to medium-low.  Allow to simmer for 30 minutes.  Add water as necessary by 1/4 cup at a time.  [I added about 1 cup total].
  3. Add frozen corn, and continue to simmer for an additional 10 minutes, until lentils are soft.
  4. Stir in scallions, reserving a few for garnish.  Season to taste with salt + pepper.
We also had sauteed kale, prepared using my favorite method. 090210-d5 Chop kale into large bite-size pieces.  Rinse well.  Saute' 2 garlic cloves in 2 tsp olive oil on medium heat for 1 minute.  Add drained kale, with water still clinging to leaves.  Stir, allowing the kale to wilt slightly.  Cover the saucepan and let kale steam for 2-3 minutes.  Remove lid and stir, tossing kale for about a minute.  Squeeze 1/4 of one lemon on kale, and sprinkle with sea salt.  SO GOOD. Dinner:  lentil chili, sauteed kale and a hearty oat biscuit. [630 cal - eek!  a little high tonight, especially since I didn't get my planned run in...] Alrighty, I'm off to bed, with 8 minutes to spare!  WooHoo!!!  I hope you all have a great night...get some sleep!!!  :)
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a seasonal dinner


Good evening, lovelies!  Have you all hopped over to Meghann's blog to check out the Blogger Bake Sale?  There are some amazing-looking baked treats up for sale, and all proceeds go to a wonderful cause, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Bidding ends at midnight for Day 1 so be sure to get over there and place your bids before your favorite items get snatched up!  I've got two items up for sale, chocolate chip cookies and my own banana apple bread. This morning I woke up feeling really yucky.  I was nauseous and light-headed, and would have put-off work for a few hours had I not had so much to do at the office.  I dragged myself up, took a shower, made my breakfast then went straight back to bed.  After about 30 minutes I felt a little bit better and got moving again, and my hubb  brought me a glass of OJ to get something in my stomach.  I wound up packing up my breakfast and taking it to the office with me, eating it once my stomach felt not-so-flippy. Breakfast: 8oz of OJ, a toasted ezekiel muffin with TJ's crunchy peanut butter and sliced apples. [446 cal] 090209-b1 My hubb was such a sweetie and made me this gorgeous salad for lunch, complete with homemade vinaigrette!  He even took pictures...can you believe him?!?  I also was craving some soup, so I ran across the street to Revolutionary Soup for their Spicy Senegalese Peanut Tofu soup...YUM.  I must learn how to make this. Lunch:  fresh salad and spicy peanut tofu soup, along with a small whole wheat roll. [salad = 200 cal, soup = ???, whole wheat roll = ???] 090209-l1 My salad had:
  • baby greens
  • spinach
  • cucumber
  • yellow bell pepper
  • dried cranberries
  • slivered almonds
  • 3 tbsp roasted garlic hummus
  • homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Sadly, my stomach got all weird again about halfway through my salad so I couldn't finish it.  :(  I had a couple of iffy hours where I was willing time to go by so that I could go home and lay down.  I decided to eat a granola bar to settle my tum around 5:00, and it actually helped quite a bit.  But not enough for me to feel up for yoga at 6pm...I'm so sad that I missed it. Afternoon Snacks:  A Quaker True Delights bar while at work, a dried fig while cooking dinner. [162 cal] 090209-s1 090209-s2 When we got home I knew I wanted something warm and comforting.  Luckily I had some soup on the menu...  This weekend I managed to fit in 2 long hot baths, complete with bubbles, vino and the latest Bon Appetit magazine.  I also had the February 2008 issue of BA, which I hadn't had a chance to read last year because I was deeply entrenched in my graduate studies.  I held on to all of my neglected foodie magazines so that I could read them this year, during their intended month to take advantage of the seasonal recipes always featured.  I read about yukon gold potatoes, kale, meyer lemons and leeks.  My reading left me craving a hearty winter soup...and a lemon drop martini.  I fulfilled the first craving tonight, the second will probably wait until the weekend.  :) 090209-d5 090209-d1 Tonight's dinner isn't a recipe from BA, probably would have turned out a bit better if it had been.  It was good, the flavors were spot-on, but the texture of the soup was a bit, well, gluey.  For lack of a better descriptor.  I believe the reason for the extra thick creaminess was my use of yukon golds, which in hindsight I think would be better suited to a chunky soup than a pureed soup.  Lesson learned.  I will definitely try this recipe again, just with a different type of potato. Dinner:  potato leek soup with kale and hearty oat biscuits. [437 cal] 090209-d3 Potato Leek Soup with Kale 226 calories, 7.4g fat, 1g sat fat, 37.5 carbs, 4.9g fiber, 9.2g protein makes 4 servings Ingredients:
  • 2 medium leeks, chopped finely
  • 1/2 large onion, about 1 cup chopped
  • 2 ribs of celery, chopped
  • 3 potatoes (next time, I'll use russet)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 cups of veggie broth
  • 4 cups chopped kale, loosely packed
  • salt + pepper
  1. Heat oil on medium.  Add leeks, onion, celery and potatoes, stir to coat with oil.  When veggies start sizzling, lower heat and cover pot.  Let the veggies sweat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally , until veggies are tender.
  2. Add veggie broth and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat back down to simmer and cover.  Let simmer for about 20 minutes until potatoes are starting to fall apart.
  3. Puree' soup in a blender until smooth and creamy.  Pour back in soup pot and keep warm on low heat.  Season with salt + pepper.
  4. Place chopped kale in large saucepan and cover with water.  Boil for 5 minutes, until kale is bright green and tender. Drain kale and add to soup.
090209-d2 I also made some hearty oat biscuits with the addition of sharp white cheddar cheese and scallions.  Again, flavors were great, but the texture was off.  The dough was wetter than normal...I'm thinking that in my slightly hazy/ill state I mis-measured something.  I'm going to hold off on sharing the recipe this time because I really want to work on perfecting it and I don't want to mis-lead you. 090209-d4 Dessert:  more beautiful grapes. [110 cal] 090209-d6 Alrighty, I'm feeling much better now but am ready for bed.  I really want to get up in the morning for my run so that I can keep my evening free for yoga, although that means I'll only be getting about 5.5 hours of sleep.  :(  There are not enough hours in a day!!!  How many hours of sleep do you get a night?  I feel really lucky if I get 7, but I'm usually closer to 6.  Not good... G'night!
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weekend recap


How is it Sunday night already?!?  This weekend went by WAY too fast.  I hope that you all had as lovely weather as we had, I still can't get over how beautiful it was.  I tried to get outside as much as possible, but had to work more hours than I had hoped so spent much of the weekend looking out of my window at the sunny sky.  I did manage to fit in a nice long run, some yoga and a glass of wine on the deck with my hubb...all wonderful things.  :) I've got some catch-up food posting to do because I decided to write about photography last night.   I'll keep my words short...  Oh!  And if you've asked me questions on the photography post I will get them answered tomorrow sometime, so be sure to check back in.  Also, things may be a little sporadic this week with my big deadline on Friday.  Bear with me!  I've got a great menu planned this week, I just hope I have time to cook it! Saturday Breakfast:  banana, apple, crunchy PB oats [360 cal] 090207-b1 This yummy bowl contained:
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1 cup water, pinch of salt
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup chopped dried apple
  • 1 tbsp TJ's crunchy PB
I knew I would be working for a few hours and had a haircut at 2pm so packed up a lunch to keep me from getting distracted by downtown food options when hunger struck. Saturday Lunch:  leftover split pea soup (last time, promise!) and 3 Back to Nature multigrain flax crackers (I saved the blood orange for later...) [505 calories] 090207-l1 I took clothes with me to the office so that I could run home after my haircut.  It was such a gorgeous afternoon that I decided to push myself and take the long way home, about 4-1/2 miles.  It was tough, I was dragging because I hadn't run more than 3-1/2 miles in the last couple of weeks with my foot injury.  And, my foot was pretty sore when I was finished.  :(  It did feel great to be outside though, stretching my legs and soaking in the sun. Saturday Exercise:  4-1/2 mile run, 10 min/mile pace [-475 cal] Saturday Afternoon Snack:  the other 1/2 of my Clif Iced Gingerbread bar and my blood orange, perfect re-fuel after my run. [193 cal] 090207-s11 I was wiped out when I got home, so the grocery trip my hubb and I had planned got bumped to Sunday.  It also led to a very lazy evening during which cooking didn't really seem like an option, so we ordered in.  If you've been reading my blog for long you know that Thai is our take-out of choice, and last night was no exception.  :)   Saturday Dinner:  take-out pad thai and veggie spring rolls with pineapple spice dipping sauce. [about 525 cal] 090207-d1 090207-d2 090207-d4 We watched  Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her...very good!  Highly recommended if you like the vignette style of movie making.  We really enjoyed it. Okay!  On to Sunday... I slept in a little this morning so packed this up to take to the office with me for a few more hours of work before yoga. Sunday Breakfast: 6oz 0% Fage, 1/4 cup TJ's pumpkin spice granola, 1/2 a sliced banana, 1-1/2 chopped dates [328 cal] 090208-b1 Sunday Exercise:  YOGA!!!  At my normal studio.  I've realized that the new studio that I bought an unlimited month pass to doesn't have many classes that work with my schedule, so I'll be continuing to join my normal Sunday class that I love love love so much.  Today was no disappointment.  I was a sweaty, leg-shaky pile of goo afterwards. [about -250 cal] Sunday Afternoon Snack #1: a Clif Nectar bar, consumed immediately after yoga.  Thank goodness I had it in my purse. [160 cal] 090208-s1 My eating schedule always gets off on Sundays because I typically sleep later than normal then have yoga from 12:30-1:30, aka lunchtime.  Today I had to go back to the office for another hour then went grocery shopping, so lunch slipped right by me.  Needless to say I was famished while grocery shopping (bad, bad idea) and gave in to these Mi-Del Lemon Snaps.   090207-d3 I of course ripped into them as soon as I got in the car. They are SO GOOD!  Just a hint of lemon with the same crunch as a classic ginger snap.  They are dangerous... When I realized that I could easily finish the whole bag on my way home, I quickly reached behind me for the bag of grapes and noshed on them instead. Sunday Afternoon Snack #2: 5 Mi-Del Lemon Snaps and a handful of red grapes (recreated for your viewing pleasure...). [250 cal] 090208-s2 I had big plans to make dinner tonight, but when I opened the fridge I realized that we still had some leftovers to use up.  So...another repeat.   Sunday Dinner:  leftover Pad Thai and a big ol' salad.  Also, a glass of cab (which was actually started while sitting on the back deck with my hubb and our pupps, enjoying our amazing weather). [salad = 225 cal, thai = about 350 cal] 090208-d2 My salad contained:
  • mixed baby greens
  • spinach
  • yellow bell pepper
  • celery
  • cucumber
  • red grapes
  • slivered almonds
  • Annie's Goddess Dressing...which I'd never tried before!  I had no idea what to expect, but I liked it!
090208-d3 Sunday Dessert: 2 lemon snaps and another bunch of grapes...they just looked so good when I was taking their picture for the snack re-creation. [155 cal] 090208-s3 This post has taken forever for me to write because I'm watching the Grammy's at the same time.  :)  And now, its just about bed time.  But first, a big reminder that tomorrow starts the Blogger Bake Sale!!!  Be sure to check out Meghann's blog so that you can get bids in for your favorite items!!!  I've got a couple things that will be listed...  :) G'night!
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on photography...


I get lots of comments, compliments and questions about my food photography.  To this I say, THANK YOU!  Photography is a passion of mine and there is nothing more flattering than having others notice your passion and comment positively about it.   My interest in photography began when I was a little girl.  I grew up with a father who was an amateur photographer and always had a camera in his hand. We even had a dark room in our house.  I got my first camera when I was 10-ish, and was always the girl documenting all events with my friends in middle school and high school.  I took a class to learn more about manual photography and developing and even started a photography business with a good friend our senior year.   I rebelled against digital cameras for years, still prefering to take all of my social photos and architecture model shots with my Minolta SLR camera.  I finally gave in and my father gave me my first digital camera my second year of college, a Kodak 3 mega-pixel point-and-shoot.  It was used for my social shots out with friends, but for my detailed architecture photos nothing beat the SLR...I was still hooked on film. The digital SLR has come a long way since then, and I am now lucky enough to own a Canon EOS 5D.  It has completely sold me on digital, although I still dream about picking up a vintage Polaroid camera sometime, just for fun.  I have several lenses for the DSLR, but for my food shots I typically use a Sigma 35-70mm.  We also have a Canon Digital Elph SD850 that I use when I am away from the house.  It takes great shots and is much more portable than the DSLR. I've compiled a few tips that I keep in mind when photographing food for the blog.  But to start,  I AM NOT AN EXPERT!  I simply have a love for photography and several years of practice.  There are many other sites out there that could give much more technical how-to's than I ever could, and I recommend that you do some research if you are truly passionate about learning more.  A couple of sites that I've enjoyed looking at: orange practice practice practice!   I know you've probably heard it 1000 times, but that is truly how I learned about light and composition.  You have to experiment with different settings on your camera and different lighting configurations in your home to figure out what works best for you.  Photography educators recommend keeping a journal, although with the digital age I don't know if its necessary anymore since most cameras store information about camera settings used for particular shots. But if you're like me and learn through recordation, start a journal.  Try different settings and record each small change you make, noting which pictures use which settings.  There are no excuses to not practice and experiment now that everybody has digital cameras...there's no waste! sweet-potato composition. I'm very careful with setting up my photos when I take them.  I probably take 20 different photos for every 1 that turns out how I want it.  I try to keep the background simple, focusing on the food and keeping clutter out of the shot.  Try lots of different angles to get the perfect one that will showcase exactly what you want to show.
oats Whole-dish shots aren't always necessary.  Sometimes a picture of just a portion of the dish is enough. yogurt1
Color and texture are important.  Boring-looking food will mean boring photographs.  A sprig of fennel or parsley, a dash of ground pepper or a drizzle of dressing can take a photo a long way.
soup-2 Prep shots are fun too, and help to bring some variety to the blog. cookie-prep dates brussels light. Daylight is always best.  I love the weekends when I can take my photos during the day.  During the week I have to take a lot of my shots in the dark and I have some pretty sophisticated equipment that helps me out.  For a point-and-shoot camera, (which are great!  I have one that I use often) the best bet is to keep the flash off because you don't have much control over it.  Bring in lamps that you can use over your food.  You want to try and light the food evenly so you don't get any major shadows (which will happen with the flash from a point-and-shoot).  If you want to experiment with the flash on your camera, try putting a piece of white posterboard on the opposite side of your camera and flash, to help bounce light back onto the opposite side of your food.  This should help with the harsh shadows. This shot was taken with just the daylight from my window.
The night before I took this shot with just the light from my dining room lamp...not pretty.
Now I have an external hot shoe flash for my DSLR camera that is directional, meaning that I can point it away from the subject of my photographs and bounce light off of the ceiling or a wall for better lighting.   It makes evening shots much easier for me...
photoshop. I try to use Photoshop as little as possible, but I do use it.  My camera takes huge photos, so I have to reduce every one that I take.  I also will "auto level" the shots not taken in daylight or when I'm not happy with the general color.  This usually helps, but can't completely make up for not having the right lighting when you actually take the picture.  I always try to compose my pictures when I take them so that I don't have to crop them in photoshop when I'm done.  The less time I have to spend on each shot the better. Here is an example of a shot before and after "auto-leveling" in Photoshop. biscuits-2 biscuits inspiration. Look at other great photographers and practice trying to emulate the things they do.  Don't copy their backdrops, props or styles, but you can learn a lot from looking at the different angles and compositions of other artists' photographs.  Check out some of the "visual inspiration" blogs and websites listed on my blog.  Some of the mouth-watering food photography that I aspire to? I hope this was helpful!  Feedback is always welcome...if you have any tips that you would like to mention, please comment!
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Hellllloooooo!  How are you all?  I feel like I've been so absent....I just went back through the last few posts to re-read comments and answer questions.  Sorry I was behind!  Be sure to check back if you left me a question in the last few days, I should have answered if for you and if not feel free to shoot me an email. And, welcome new readers!  I had many comments to approve this week, from people who had never commented before.  Yay!  I'm so glad you all are here, and hope you'll keep coming back! I hope I don't bore you with today's post, because yesterday's eats were all about leftovers!  That's what I get for planning dinners that make huge quantities and not freezing any of it.  I really need to get better about that... Breakfast Friday:  out with a friend at our favorite breakfast spot, The Bluegrass Grill.  I had a veggie omelet made with 3 egg whites, bell pepper, tomatoes, spinach and olives.  I also had a small side dish of cheese grits....there's the southern girl in me!  I realized as I was sitting at the table after ordering my breakfast that I have a really strange way of thinking about food when I eat out in restaurants.  I was looking at the menu, craving either granola or oatmeal, but ordered the omelet and grits instead because it felt more "worth it".  Do you know what I mean?  Like, I make yogurt and granola at home all the time, so why should I waste money on it in a restaurant when I can get an omelet and grits?  I think this is silly, and that I need to start realizing that eating out in a restaurant isn't all about the food, its also about the company you're with and the fact that neither of you had to make breakfast or clean up afterwards, no matter what you order to eat.   I'm going to try and remember that next time. [not sure of the calories, but I'm sure higher than they would be at home because my omelet had a lot of oil in it] Mid-Morning Snack:  the honey whole wheat biscuit I didn't eat with breakfast...I have got to learn to make these! Lunch:  leftover split pea + sausage soup [375 cal] 090206-l1 Not nearly as pretty as when freshly made, but still just as tasty!  PS:  you'll be seeing this again....  :) Afternoon Snack:  1/2 a Clif Iced Gingerbread bar...I only have 1-1/2 left and will be so sad when they are gone! [125 cal] 090207-s1 When I got home from work last night, totally brain dead, I decided to go for a run.  I went to campus and did a 3-1/4 mile loop at about a 10 min/mile pace.  I REALLY enjoy my 3-4 mile runs.  I've been thinking a lot about long distance running lately, and my training, and have lots to share with you.  But not this morning.  Soon, I promise.  :) When I got home I did 25 minutes of vinyasa flows...lots of down dogs, chathurangas, warriors, twisted triangles and pigeon.  Perfect way to stretch out my hamstrings and hips.  :) Exercise: 3-1/4 mile run, 25 minutes of vinyasa yoga [about -400 calories] Dinner:  leftover veggie lasagna [443 cal] 090206-d1 Dessert:  snackie bowl with 6oz 0% Fage, 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, small handful of Annie's Bunnies [223 cal] 090206-d2 It is such a BEAUTIFUL day here!  The high is supposed to be 60*!!!  Woohoo!!!  I planned to go for a run this morning when I woke up but it was still only 23*, I decided to wait until later when it will be MUCH more enjoyable.  :) What are your plans for today?  Unfortunately, I have to work.  Boo.  I'm getting ready to go to the office, but I have a hair appointment at 2pm so will have to stop working then.  After that I'm going for a run, then to the grocery store with my hubb to stock up for the week, and maybe a movie tonight?We'll see.  Busy day! I hope you all have a great Saturday!
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split pea + sausage soup


Another busy day today, but lots of satisfying eats!  I'm going to keep it quick again, and I apologize.  I have so many things that I want to talk with you all about, but just don't feel like I have a coherent post in me tonight.  I know I've promised a few things, a post on photography, reviews of calorie counting websites, and I definitely owe you a training update.  But I've been using so many brain cells at work that I get home and my mind kinda turns to mush... Hopefully I'll have some time to think and write a bit more clearly this weekend.  And until then, thank you.  For continuing to read.  For commenting.  For being supportive.  I'm a very lucky girl to be involved with such an outstanding community.  :) Breakfast: banana, date, flax, almond butter oats...yum!  I woke up thinking about this breakfast, and it totally hit the spot.  I tried the Heart Healthy portion (3/4 cup) I've been seeing pop up in the blog world to see if it would make my bowl stick with me longer, but I was still hungry right at noon.  I think I'll stick with my standard 1/2 cup from now on, to keep my calories a little lower. [487 cal] 090205-b1
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats, 1-1/2 cup water, pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup mashed bananas
  • 1 tsp real maple syrup
  • 1 tsp ground flax
  • 1 chopped date
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
Lunch: 1/2 slice veggie lasagna and a bell pepper/cucumber salad [297 cal] 090205-l1 The lasagna was excellent reheated for lunch, just like it should be.  :)  My salad contained:
  • 1 cup red and orange bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup cucumber
  • 1 tsp grapeseed oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard
Snack: 3/4 cup cottage cheese.  I didn't eat my apple, too busy and not hungry enough.  I also had 3 large green olives while preparing dinner with my hubb. [166 cal] 090205-s1 Dinner: the best split pea soup I've ever had!  And a slice of homemade honey wheat bread that I pulled out of the freezer. [502 cal] 090205-d3 I've never made split pea soup before, but it was so easy and so deliciously warming on this very cold winter night.  The hot italian sausage added the perfect amount of heat, just at the back of the throat.  It was the perfect complement to the sweetness of the peas and carrots.  And the rosemary?  Divine.  Just the right touch of earthiness. This soup has made its way solidly to our list of regulars, I feel certain. 090205-d41 Split Pea + Sausage Soup [inspired by the kitchen sink, adapted from A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen] makes 6 servings 375 calories, 15.4g fat, 5g sat. fat, 59.5g carbs, 23g fiber, 34g protein Ingredients:
  • 2.5 cups dried green split peas
  • 2 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5 cups of water
  • 4 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 pound hot italian sausage
  • 2 medium leeks, diced
  • 2 large carrots, chopped
  • salt + pepper
  1. Rinse and drain peas.  Sort and pick out bad peas.
  2. Combine water, broth, peas, celery, rosemary, parsley and bay leaf in large soup pot.  Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a brisk simmer.  Allow to simmer for about 30 minutes, until peas start to split apart.
  3. Meanwhile, brown sausage in skillet.  Once browned, add too soup pot.
  4. Saute' leeks and carrots until soft, about 10 minutes.  Add to soup pot along with salt and pepper to taste.  Let simmer (briskly) for about 20 more minutes, until peas get pretty mushy. Remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Daily Totals:
  • calories consumed = 1,452
  • calories expelled = none other than the usual...
  • net calories = 1,452
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"healthified" lasagna!


Yay Wednesday!  Whew, I'm tired tonight bloggies!  I'm going to try to keep my writing short and sweet tonight...but I apologize in advance if its not.  You know me, I love talkin' about my food!  :) Breakfast:  Ezekiel plain english muffin (so good!), 1 tsp whipped Earth Balance, 2 egg whites scrambled with spinach and a small slice of pepper jack cheese.  Also, 1/2 an apple.  Yum!  The pepper jack cheese was the perfect spicy touch on my egg sandwich...loved it! [349 cal] 090204-b1 Lunch: a salmon spinach salad.  I had about 2.5oz of salmon leftover from last night, 1/2 cup of TJ's Harvest Blends and 2 cups of fresh spinach.  I also crumbled 4 walnut halves on top and squeezed blood orange juice all over it.  SO TASTY!!!  I'm usually a little weary of leftover fish, but I actually really loved the salmon icy cold on top of a salad.  Also, a blood orange. [340 cal] 090204-l1 Snacks:  I forgot to take pictures!  :(  I had a single-serve Oikos, blueberry flavor, at 3:30 and a Quaker True Delights granola bar at 5:00.  Both were delicious and kept me fueled for yoga. [250 cal] Exercise:  YOGA!!!  Oh how I love going to classes.  Tonight I tried out a new studio that several friends have recommended numerous times.  They are running a special right now that all new students can sign up for unlimited classes for one month for only $50!!!  I jumped on that, so you'll be seeing lots of yoga workouts popping up on the blog for the next 4 weeks.  WooHoo!  :)  I'm excited to improve my balancing and upper body strength...I am majorly lacking in that area of yoga.  Tonight's class was a 90 minute Intro to Ashtanga.  I've always gone to Vinyasa classes, which are very similar to Ashtanga, but I think Ashtanga has the potential to be more strenuous.  Both are considered to be power yoga, and both leave me dripping with sweat.  I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to trying out more classes at the studio!  :) I wasn't sure how to count my calories...myfooddiary isn't too specific.  They just break up yoga into "power" and "stretching".  So I counted 60 minutes of "power" and 30 minutes of "stretching", figuring I was REALLY working for at least 2/3's the class, and the other 1/3 was warm-up and cool-down.  Anybody have any other suggestions? [-400 calories] My hubb and I cooked dinner together tonight.  I love that!  We made a healthier version of lasagna, inspired by the Moosewood Low-Fat Favorites Cookbook, one of my faves. Dinner:  "healthified" veggie lasagna and a small glass of cabernet [about 550 cal] 090204-d7 090204-d6 090204-d5 This lasagna was SO good, and while we couldn't eat it every night, it is so much healthier than my old meaty, cheesy, creamy versions from the past.   Healthified Veggie Lasagna [inspired by the Moosewood Cafe Low-Fat Favorites Cookbook] 8 servings 443 calories, 11.9g fat, 4.9g sat fat, 59.6g carbs, 6.3g fiber, 21.5g protein Ingredients:
  • 16oz brown rice lasagna noodles, cooked until al dente'
  • one jar of marinara sauce, about 3 cups
  • 2 cups low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1-1/2 cups part-skim shredded mozzarella, divided
  • 1/4 cup parmesan
  • 4 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 bell peppers, sliced
  • 3 portobello mushroom caps, sliced
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1 small jar of sliced olives
  • salt + pepper
  1. Boil lasagna noodles until al dente, set aside.  Preheat oven to 350*.
  2. Heat oil in saute pan over medium heat.  Saute garlic, onions, peppers, mushrooms for 2-3 minutes.  Add 1/2 cup of wine and stir well.  Add tomatoes and bring back to a boil.  Reduce heat and cover pan.  Simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse spinach and drain.  Place in sauce pan and cover, turning heat to medium high.  Stir occasionally, until spinach is wilted. (Should cook with just water clinging to leaves after rinsing).  Chop spinach and mix together with cottage cheese, 1 cup of mozzarella and parmesan.
  4. Spoon 1/2 cup of marinara sauce into bottom of 9x13 glass pan.  Add one layer of noodles.  Spoon 1/3 of veggies (use slotted spoon) on top of noodles.  Add 1/3 of cheese/spinach mixture.  Sprinkle 1/3 of olives on top.  Add another layer of noodles.  Spoon 1/2 cup of sauce on top of noodles, then veggies, cheese mixture and olives.  Repeat.  Add one final layer of noodles and last of sauce on top.  Sprinkle last 1/2 cup of mozzarella across top.
  5. Bake at 350* for 20 minutes.
090204-d1 090204-d2 090204-d3 090204-d4 Must. Go. To. Bed.  G'night!  :) Edited to Add Daily Total:
  • calories consumed = 1492
  • calories expelled = 400
  • net calories = 1092
Light again!  I'm really not meaning too...I'll grab a date before bed.  Promise.  :)
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something's fishy...


Happy Tuesday!  How are you all?  Is it still winter where you're at?  Last night, right after I finished my post where I told you it was raining, I let the dogs out our back door and discovered that it was POURING down snow!  So beautiful.  I'd stopped believing the weathermen because they've predicted snow for us multiple times this winter and we haven't seen anything significant yet.  Look at what we woke up to! The dogs didn't seem to be phased... snow-2 Sadly, most of it has now melted.  I think they've predicted more for tomorrow though.  I don't mind the cold as much when we have snow to look forward to! Before I get to far ahead of myself, I wanted to share the last of yesterday's eats with you.  I decided to discard the cabernet that I wasn't enjoying and made a snackie dessert bowl instead (are you proud, Sarah?!?).  It was so tasty and SO much more satisfying than my wine! Last night's dessert: 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, Annie's Honey Bunnies, 1 chopped medjool date. [ 220 calories] 090203-b1 Back to Tuesday... My days are going by SO fast because I am SO busy at work!  I've got a big deadline next Friday and I'm working really hard during the days to try and keep the late nights next week to a minimum.  Its stressful, but I'd much rather be busy at work than bored like I was for the last few weeks.  I had planned to get up early for some morning yoga, but forgot to turn my phone volume on after work yesterday so slept through my alarm for over an hour!  Yikes.  Needless to say I was in a bit of a rush, so I packed my breakfast to take with me to the office. Breakfast: 6oz Fage 0%, 1/4 cup TJ's pumpkin spice granola, 1 banana, 1 medjool date. [355 calories] 090203-b2 SO good!  And it stayed with me for a full 4 hours. I had a bit of a fish theme going on today...lots of protein and Omega 3's!  :) Lunch: tuna salad wrap on 8" whole wheat tortilla with yellow bell pepper and spinach, the rest of the tuna salad with peppers and carrots and two Back to Nature multigrain flax crackers. [about 400 calories] 090203-l1 The tuna salad contained:
  • 3oz canned tuna in water, drained
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 tbsp light mayo
  • 1 heaping tbsp dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsp dill relish
  • salt + pepper
090203-l3 Snacks: a pink lady apple at 3:30 and a Clif ZBar at 5:30, to fuel me for a run. [211 calories] 090203-s1 I decided to skip tonight's yoga class and go for a run.  The weather was decent (30* and clear), and it got warm enough today to melt the ice on the sidewalks.  They are predicting snow again tomorrow so I decided I should run while I had the chance, and go to a yoga class tomorrow night instead.  It was great!  I think my feet have gotten used to my new inserts because I didn't have much pain at all.  I'm still planning to see a podiatrist because I don't think I should have to deal with any pain while running, right?!? Exercise:  3-mile run, 10 min/mile pace.  20 minutes of vinyasa flows to stretch out afterwards.  I'm feelin' good!  :) [- 400 calories] Dinner tonight was inspired by Jen.  I saw a smoked paprika salmon on her blog last week and remembered that we had some smoked paprika in our spice cabinet that was a stocking stuffer this Christmas (my family knows us well!).  When I commented on her blog, Jen was sweet enough to send me this recipe to try out.  We didn't have time to marinade our salmon, but the rub was FANTASTIC. Dinner:  roasted salmon with a citrus paprika rub, citrus-glazed asparagus, TJ's Harvest Blends grains [580 calories] 090203-d1 The asparagus was super-easy, and SO good!  I heated olive oil in a non-coated skillet, then added 1 clove of garlic to saute' for about a minute.  Then the asparagus went in, with some salt and ground pepper.  After it had been cooking for 3-4 minutes, the garlic was really starting to brown and trying to stick to the pan.  I splashed in about 1/2 cup of orange juice to de-glaze, gave everything a stir and covered the pan.  The heat was lowered to simmer and the asparagus cooked for another 3-4 minutes until tender.  YUM. 090203-d2 This TJ's blend was really good too...israeli couscous, baby garbonzo beans, orzo and red quinoa.  We cooked ours in chicken broth for a little extra flavor. 090203-d3 Thank you all for the sweet comments about my new table!  I know it will take some getting used to, but I'm glad you're open to it.  I'll get a picture of the whole thing soon, but I'm waiting until our new dining room light gets here so you get the whole picture.  :) Daily Recap:
  • calories consumed = 1550
  • calories expelled = 400
  • net = 1,150
A little light today, but I feel content!  I may grab a little snackie dessert before bed...  :) Have a great night!
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farewell to my table...


My hubb and I have been fans of 1950's danish modern furniture for awhile kinda comes with the architecture degree.  We've been searching for a modern, round, wood, vintage dining table for quite some time and finally found one on eBay...just in time for our birthdays next month.  It arrived today and we couldn't wait to put it together after work tonight.  Its beautiful, exactly what we wanted, but I'm feeling a little sad right now.  Our new addition means that we have dismantled our old dining table...the beloved table that has served as the backdrop for my photos since day one of this blog. I'll get over it, soon I'm sure, because our new table really does look so much better in our space.  And the new backdrop is lovely - warm and rich - just different from my old table.  Let me know what you think (breakfast, lunch and snack photos were taken on the old table, dinner photos on the new).  I hope you like it. Breakfast:  banana, wheatberry, date + almond butter oatmeal [320 calories] 090202-b12 This yummy bowl contained:
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1 cup water, pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp real maple syrup
  • 1 small banana, mashed (about 1/4 cup)
  • 1 tbsp wheatberries
  • 1/2 medjool date, chopped
  • 1 tsp almond butter
I tried Maranatha Almond Butter for the first time!  It is SO good.  But SO expensive!  My hubb did the grocery shopping this week, and bought me a small jar because the big, normal sized jar was $19!!!!  Holy moly.  I'm actually glad that he got me the small jar though because that means I can keep trying new flavors of nut butters when I run out!  There are so many great options out there that I haven't tried yet. Speaking of, Heather and Mark over at HangryPants have an almond butter give-away!  Check out their blog for details... 090202-b2 Morning Snack:  3 dried apricots and 3 walnut halves (leftover from my road food snack this weekend).  My breakfast only hung with me for about 3 hours, I was really glad that I had these in my bag. [104 calories] Lunch:  salad!  Oh how I missed thee...  And a pink lady apple. [358 calories] 090202-l1
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1/2 cup yellow bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup cucumber
  • 1/2 cup brussels sprouts
  • 1/4 cup wheatberries
  • 4 tbsp roasted garlic hummus
This combo was REALLY yummy.  I love putting hummus on a salad in place of dressing, and the brussels sprouts were so tasty! 090202-s1 Afternoon Snack:  5 dried apricots and 3 walnut halves.  Again, a light lunch today, so I was glad I had these. [137 calories] Dinner:  two tiny slivers of carmelized onion, blue cheese + bacon pizza ( I didn't eat the crust...just not a fan of the dough!), a spinach salad and a glass of cabernet.  It was a salad kind of day!  The cabernet isn't very good, I really doubt I'll finish it but I've counted its calories just in case.  If I decide to ditch it I've already got a snackie dessert bowl forming in my head...  :) [570 calories] 090202-d1 090202-d2 My salad consisted of:
  • 1-1/2 cups spinach
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper
  • 1/4 carrot
  • 1/2 cup cucumber
  • 1/4 cup wheatberries
  • 1 tbsp light ranch dressing
090202-d3 I'm really kicking myself for not getting out of bed this morning for a run.  The weather was lovely, its getting light earlier, but I got to bed so late last night that I just couldn't get up.  And now?  Rain.  And later tonight?  Snow.  I'm really starting to dislike Virginia in the winter.  How we could go from a high of 62* yesterday, high of 59* today, and snow by midnight tonight is beyond me!!!  Argh.  Oh well, I am planning on going to yoga tomorrow night at my favorite studio with my favorite instructor...nothing beats 90 minutes of yoga.  Nothing.  And rain and snow can't stop me!  :) I hope you all have a great night!
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richest pizza ever...


Good Sunday evening, all!  Thank you for all the sweet comments about my BSI make me blush!  :)  I have so much fun coming up with new recipes, and especially photographing them.  My hubb was so sweet to have yellow tulips waiting for me when I got home last night from my trip, and I just couldn't resist getting them in the photos.  Especially since blondies are brown, my table is brown...the flowers helped add a little pop to the photos.  I'm glad you liked them! My day was busy, but a good busy filled with baking, exercise with my pup, dinner cooking with my hubb, netflix during and after dinner...I can't complain!  We finally had a chance to make a pizza I've been dying to try, out of one of my favorite books, A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen by Jack Bishop. This book is fabulous, and even though we sometimes void the vegetarian aspect of the recipes (like tonight) we've enjoyed everything we've made from it. Tonight was no exception. Dinner: Carmelized Onion, Blue Cheese, Walnut and Bacon Pizza, a side of Golden Brussels Sprouts (a la 101 cookbooks) and a glass of cabernet [650-700 calories - YIKES!!!] 090201-d1 The above picture is of the onions within the first 5 minutes of caramelization.  The whole process took about 20 minutes, but I forgot to get a picture of the finished onions.  :(  We used pre-made TJ's whole wheat pizza dough that I had frozen.  I'm not crazy about the TJ's dough...I think I'll pass on buying it again. 090201-d2 The contraption my hubb is using to get the pizza in and out of the oven is called a Super Peel, and it is AWESOME.  I can't wait to use it for some homemade breads... 090201-d3 This was my first time using the 101 Cookbooks method of cooking brussels sprouts and I am SO IMPRESSED.  I don't think we'll be roasting them again for a long time... 090201-d4 I had a little less than 1/4 of the pizza on my plate, but only ate about 2/3's of that.  It was SO RICH.  I think next time I'll use less blue cheese... 090201-d5 090201-d6 This was a weird eating day for me.  Breakfast was so late that I skipped lunch, but did have a peanut butter date blondie after they were photographed. Of course.  Then I promptly packed them up to take with me to the office tomorrow.  Definitely can't risk having those tasty little treats hanging out in my kitchen! Snack:  peanut butter date blondie [250 calories] Dessert:  1/2 cup of Ciao Bella blood orange good. [120 calories] Exercise:  I took my dog Lucy for a 3 mile walk/run around the neighborhood.  We both needed the exercise, and I wanted to test out my foot.  It did ok, but I'm still taking it easy.  I think I'm going to make an appointment with a podiatrist to get it checked out... I walked/ran more for Lucy than for me...she's not used to running that far all at once.  She had surgery last summer on both of her knees and didn't fully recover until December, so we're still working on getting her strength back.  She did really well though, I'm a proud momma!  :) [-260 calories] Daily Review:
  • calories consumed: about 1,600
  • calories expelled: about 260
  • net intake: about 1,340
Not too bad considering what I ate today.  Skipping lunch helped, but that definitely isn't a habit I'll be getting into!  I'm kinda glad tomorrow is Monday and I'll be getting back to my routine and my normal healthy eats...  :) G'night!
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peanut butter date blondies - BSI!!!


Sunday afternoon baking sure makes the day go by quickly (and tulips make the day more lovely!)  :) bsi-5 I was really excited when Sarah picked dates for this week's secret ingredient.  I'm a big fan of dates.  Especially dates filled with peanut butter.  You've probably seen them pop up on my blog more than a couple of times.  I also like dates paired with bananas, hence my morning pancakes.  :)  For my actual BSI submission I wanted to find a way to pair two of my favorite ingredients, PB and dates, into a baked good.  I first thought of peanut butter date cookies, but after a quick internet search discovered that Tina had already made a similar recipe.  I really try to be original for BSI, coming up with my own idea and own recipe, so I crossed the PB date cookies off the list of possibilities.  That led me to the next idea on the list, peanut butter date blondies. bsi-1 I'm relatively new to the world of blondie baking, in fact I've only made blondies two other times and both were inspired by VeggieGirl recipes.  I spent the early afternoon researching blondie recipes to be sure that I had the right ratios of flour, fat and liquid to get the right consistency. bsi-2 bsi-3 bsi-91 I used natural sweeteners (turbinado sugar and the dates, of course) and whole wheat pastry flour to make the recipe a bit healthier than some of the others I was looking at.  But don't let that fool you, they still aren't light in calories.  Next time I'll experiment with replacing some of the butter with yogurt, and maybe add in some applesauce.  Also, eliminate the egg yolks?  But overall, I am very happy with the result.  The rest of the batch is going to my co-workers and my hubb's co-workers.  Unhealthiness problem solved.  :) bsi-41 The sweetness of the dates complements the saltiness of the peanuts perfectly.  I thought about adding semisweet chocolate chips to the mix, even had them portioned out and ready to go in the mixer, but decided at the last moment that they might overpower the dates so I left them out.  I'm so glad I did.  The dates are subtle and delicious and would have been lost with the addition of chocolate. bsi-6 My inspiration came from here and here.  Enjoy! Peanut Butter Date Blondies makes (16) 2" square blondies [250 calories, 12g fat, 4.8g sat. fat, 31.6g carbs, 2.7g fiber, 5.3g protein] Ingredients:
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick), room temperature
  • 1/2 cup natural, crunchy, unsalted peanut butter
  • 1 cup turbinado sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup roasted, salted peanuts, chopped
  • 8 medjool dates, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 350*.  Spray 8x8 square baking dish with oil.
  2. In stand mixer, blend butter and peanut butter until creamy.  Add sugar and blend until combined.
  3. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing after each addition.  Add vanilla extract.
  4. In separate bowl, sift together flour and baking powder.  
  5. Add dry ingredients to mixer and blend until just combined.
  6. Fold in peanuts and dates.
  7. Scrape batter into prepared pan and spread, smoothing top.
  8. Bake for 30-32 minutes, until edges of blondies are beginning to brown.  Cool in pan on rack.  Let cook completely before cutting.
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banana date pancakes


Sunday mornings usually involve a late and elaborate breakfast for my hubb and I.  I woke up on this particular Sunday thinking about dates, knowing I had a BSI recipe to come up with.  I was also thinking about pancakes, because many Sunday mornings also involve pancakes in our house.  I saw this recipe in the NY Times a couple of weeks ago and had planned on making it for our company last weekend but we wound up having brunch out instead.  This morning seemed as good a morning as any to try it out, especially since I had ricotta in the fridge that was going to go bad in the next day or two. 090201-b1 We usually use a Dr. Oetker pancake mix from Whole Foods and add assorted dried fruits, nuts and chocolate to spice them up.  But making pancakes from scratch is really not difficult or time consuming, and I was intrigued by the addition of ricotta cheese to this particular recipe.  I substituted a few ingredients to healthify the 'cakes a bit, but then we cooked up some bacon to go with them so I think my efforts were canceled out. 090201-b2 I was concerned that the dates would stick together if I added them to the mix, so I just pressed them into the tops of the pancakes with the bananas after I poured the batter onto my griddle. 090201-b3 The pancakes were very light and fluffy in texture, and the pairing of bananas and dates with real maple syrup was fabulous.  I just wish we'd eaten them as they came off of the griddle instead of keeping them warm in the oven while my hubb cooked up the bacon.  They flattened out just a bit and probably would have had a better consistency had we consumed them immediately.  The batch made 15 pancakes so I'll be freezing leftovers for future mornings.  Yum. 090201-b4 090201-b6 I don't think this will be my official BSI entry because I've got some other baking planned for this afternoon.  This was more of a warm-up.  :) Banana Date Pancakes [adapted from this NY Times article] makes about 15 small pancakes Ingredients:
  • 1 cup fat free or reduced fat ricotta cheese
  • 1 cup fat free plain yogurt
  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • dash salt
  • 1 tbsp turbinado sugar
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice (about 1/2 a lemon)
  • zest from 1 lemon
  • butter or grapeseed oil as needed (i used grapeseed oil)
  • 2 bananas, sliced thinly
  • 5 medjool dates, chopped finely
  1. Blend together the ricotta, yogurt and egg yolks.
  2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry.
  3. Sift together the baking soda, flour, salt and sugar.
  4. Heat a griddle or nonstick pan on medium low heat.
  5. Add dry ingredients to ricotta/yogurt mixture and blend together, but do not beat.
  6. Add the lemon juice and lemon zest.
  7. Fold in the egg whites, but don't mix completely. You should still be able to distinguish the egg whites in the batter.
  8. Oil or butter hot griddle.  Add batter 1 heaping tablespoonful at a time.  Press banana slices and dates into tops of pancakes.  Cook until golden brown on bottom, 3-5 minutes.  Flip, and cook until golden brown on opposite side.  Serve immediately with real maple syrup.
Breakfast:  3 banana date pancakes with real maple syrup, 2 slices bacon, 5 fresh strawberries, coffee [pancakes + syrup = 420 calories, bacon = 100 calories, strawberries = 36 calories] 090201-b5 I hope you all have had a great weekend so far!  I had a fabulous time at the shower yesterday.  My friend Christine is SO cute.  She's due in 2 months...I can't believe it!  Here's me with the proud momma-to-be... shower And the adorable ice cream cake that I of course had a piece of...along with other bad-for-me food.  It was a lot of fun though, and luckily I don't go out of town very often!!! shower-2 Thanks for all of your great road food suggestions!  I was happy to have my snacks on the way down and to supplement my breakfast Saturday morning, but they didn't do a very good job of deterring me from eating a fast food dinner both Friday and Saturday nights.  :(  Next time I need to pack sandwiches to take with me, or at least more satisfying meal-type items.  Or push harder for Subway stops...  :) And now I'm off to bake up my BSI recipe...I'll be back later with the results!
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road food


I just couldn't resist getting a quick post in today before heading out to NC for the next 30 hours.  :) I've packed myself some snacks to help resist the urge of eating unhealthy meals on the road, and wanted to show you guys what I've eaten so far today.  More quick and easy favorites... Breakfast:  toasted ezekiel cinnamon raisin muffin with 1-1/2 tbsp natural PB and 1 small pink lady apple. [384 calories] 090130-b1 Lunch:  baked sweet potato with 1/4 cup wheat berries, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 2 tbsp edamame, 2 tbsp corn, sea salt [341 calories] 090130-l1 Snacks: [for today and tomorrow's road trips] small pink lady apple, clif bar, quaker true delights bar, walnut halves and dried turkish apricots.  These will be spread out over the next couple of days, and probably not all consumed.  But I've included calorie counts below so that I can pick and choose to make up my snacks while I'm out of town.  What do you pack for road trips? [apple = 80 calories, clif bar = 250 calories, true delights bar = 140 calories, 1/4 cup walnut halves = 215 calories, 1/2 cup dried apricots = 173 calories] 090130-s1 And I'm off!  Have a great weekend!!!  :)
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who knows me?!?


Whew, its been a long day!  This will be a quick post...I've got no energy left!   But first, I had lunch today with a friend from grad school...a friend that informed me when we first met up today that she had discovered my blog! Randomly!  So that left me curious, do I have any other readers that know me outside of the blog world?  If so, please speak up!!! And, thank you for all of your great calorie-counting suggestions!  I really appreciate it.  I'm going to check out all of the sites you mentioned and will give you a full review of what I think of them.  It will take a couple weeks, but I'm excited to try out some of the FREE services out there! My breakfast was inspired this morning by reader Kelly who asked on my last post how many calories my yogurt/granola/fruit breakfasts have. Breakfast:  1/2 cup Fage Total 0%, 1/4 cup TJ's pumpkin spice granola, 6 strawberries, 1/2 banana [262 calories] 090129-b1 This was lighter in calories than a normal breakfast for me, but it stuck with me for about 3-1/2 hours!  I was impressed.  I need to keep this combo in mind for future mornings.  I knew that I had a later than normal lunch planned for today, so I packed a morning snack to keep me going.  This was perfect, it helped to bridge the gap so I wasn't ravenous at lunch time. Morning Snack: 6 walnut halves, 2 tbsp dried cherries [178 calories] 090129-s1 Lunch:  at one of my favorite C'ville spots, Eppies!  They have great southern favorites.  I had the veggie plate with 1 cup collard greens, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup sweet potato, a nibble of cornbread, unsweetened iced tea [about 350 calories] Afternoon Snack: 1 medjool date, 1/2 tbsp PB [113 calories] 090129-s2 I had to work late tonight, then had errands to run before heading home.  I didn't walk in the door until after 9pm, at which point I was STARVING!  My hubb ordered us Chinese once he knew I was en route (he hung some shelves in our laundry room tonight! yay!).  I went a little overboard...  My standard healthy take-out order is steamed veggies and tofu with steamed rice, sauce on the side.  Tonight I substituted the steamed rice for some leftover whole wheat pasta we had in the fridge.  At the last second I requested egg drop soup because it sounded so good, and I couldn't resist when my hubb offered me 1/2 his veggie egg roll.  And, of course, the fortune cookie.  :)  The calorie count is an estimate from what I could find on myfooddiary... Dinner:  take-out steamed veggies + tofu on 1 cup whole wheat pasta, 2 tbsp garlic sauce, 1-1/2 cups egg drop soup, 1/2 a veggie egg roll, 1 fortune cookie [about 600 calories - eek!  I let my hunger take over...  note to self, pack an emergency bar in purse in case of late nights in the office!] 090129-d1 090129-d2 Sadly, I missed all exercise today.  I've been getting to bed so late that I have a hard time yanking myself out of bed in the morning.  And with as late as I got home tonight, there was no running.  :(  Its probably a good thing though because my foot has been bothering me today.  Argh!!!  So frustrating. Tomorrow I'm heading to Charlotte for my friend Christine's baby shower!!!  I'm super-excited.  We're staying overnight so I probably won't be posting again until Sunday.  I hope you all have a great Friday and weekend!
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a few thoughts...


First of all, I want to welcome my new readers!  I've seen a lot of new names pop up in the comments these last couple of weeks...keep it up!  I love hearing from you.  In fact, if you haven't commented before, please do!  Don't be shy...  I try to respond to all questions and suggestions as soon as possible, but sometimes it takes me a couple of days...I'm sorry!  If you ask me a question, be sure to check back for an answer within a day or two.  :) Secondly, there are some exciting things happening in our little community right now that I want to mention.
  1. Meghann's training for a marathon!  Not only is she training, she's raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Please check out her blog to keep up with her progress and to donate if you can!  Also, she will be hosting a blogger bake sale the week of February 9th (I'll be selling some goods!) so be sure to check in and bid on some tasty treats to support a great cause!
  2. BSI is back!!!  Thanks to Biz over at Biggest Diabetic Loser for reorganizing the fun last week! She's picked Sarah over at Tales of Expansion to host this week's contest...DATES!!!  I'm very excited.  :)
And last, I've been a bad little calorie counter.  Which means that little things probably slip into my mouth during the day that don't get tallied in my head or recorded on the blog.  :(  In fact, I know this happens, and I want to keep better track and hold myself more accountable for what I am consuming. ESPECIALLY since my exercise has been less then stellar what with my sad foot and crummy weather.  I did so well with accountability my first month having the blog, then the holidays arrived and I just never really got fully back on track.  I saw improvements in my body and how I felt that first month but I've definitely plateaued since then, and I'm ready for more loss and more toning!  :) I don't plan to take pictures of every little thing because I work 10 feet away from my boss and I'm not willing to tell him about the blog yet.  I try to take care of all photography in the morning and after work because I like consistency and I like the backdrop my table provides. :)  But I do plan on at least telling you about all eats and keeping a running calorie count on my posts.  I'll try to keep it simple and might not even notice it.  And, for the record, I haven't been keeping things from the blog purposefully, I just sometimes forget to mention something.  Its never big...a dove chocolate here, handful of Kashi there...but as we all know, the small things add up. :)  I don't plan to calorie count forever, but I do find that it helps me to gain perspective on what I am consuming. Now, on to today's eats! I tried something new with my oats this morning, something I've seen Kath and many others do...I added wheatberries to my oatmeal.  And...I LOVED it!!!   Breakfast: banana, PB, wheatberry + dried apricot oats. [470 cal - higher than I would like.  i'm going to start having only 1/2 a banana in the oats to get it closer to 400 cal] 090128-b1 This DELICIOUS bowl contained:
  • 1 cup water, pinch of salt, 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 small mashed banana
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp wheatberries
  • 1 tbsp natural PB
  • 3 small turkish apricots
Seriously, this may beat my banana, PB, fig + flax oats...or at least equal it.  The wheatberries added such a wonderful chewy crunch! Lunch:  leftover veggie tofu stir fry on 1/2 cup jasmine rice and 1/2 cup wheatberries. [499 cal] 090128-l1 Afternoon Snack:  1/2 cup plain Fage 0% and one tangelo. [132 cal] 090128-s1 Extras:  3 Dove dark chocolate hearts [126 cal - I should try to skip these tomorrow], 10 Annie's Honey Bunnies [54 cal] 090128-s2 Dinner:  saffron tomato fennel soup [recipe] and "grilled cheese". [262 cal (soup) + 220 cal (grilled cheese)] 090128-d1 This is one of my favorite soups, we make it several times a year.  I added wheatberries this time and substituted thyme for basil because its what I had.  I just realized that I had wheatberries with every meal today...versatile little things, aren't they?!? 090128-d2 My substitute for the classic gilled cheese I normally enjoy with tomato soup was a broiled ham + cheddar sandwich on whole wheat sourdough bread.  1 slice bread, 1oz cheddar, 1/2oz sliced ham. 090128-d4 Exercise:  I went for a run!!!  FINALLY!  It felt great to be back out on the road, stretching out my legs.  I had my new inserts in my shoes and I have to say, they hurt my feet a little!  I'm hoping its just because my feet aren't used to them yet.  I'm going to give it a few more runs and see how they feel.  My toes have been all weird and tingly tonight too.  They felt like they were asleep when I finished my run, and now they are red, a little puffy, and hurt to the touch. Strange!  I've never had that happen before, and I'm hoping it will pass quickly!  So other than my weird feet issues my 3-mile run felt great.  I'm still hoping to train for the race, and am planning on getting a 5-6 mile long run in this weekend.  I'll re-evaluate my training schedule after that. [3 miles, 10-min/mile pace, -318 cal] Total Calorie Count:
  • consumed 1,884 cal
  • expelled 318 cal
  • net 1,564 cal
I try to net between 1200 and 1300 calories/day when I am striving to lose weight, so I was way over tonight.  This is what I love about calorie counting, if you had asked me before I counted, I would have told you that I did pretty well and was close to 1200 net calories.  Wrong!  Counting really helps me to keep perspective, and it makes me want to workout more so that I don't have to be as strict with my eats!  Tomorrow my goals are to lower my breakfast and lunch cals and reduce my "extras".  I also want to get up for some yoga in the morning and make sure to get a run in tomorrow evening.  Do any of you count calories?  What service do you use?  I use, but you have to pay for it and I'm hoping to find a free service. I've got some work to do, then I'm planning on a hot bath with my book.  :)  G'night!
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bella eats pan-glazed tofu


I've had several comments and questions about my pan-glazed tofu, so I thought I would do a tutorial post to go through my method.  If you've seen this before, I apologize.  I just thought it would be easier to have the method in one condensed post rather than buried in several... I originally found this recipe in Jack Bishop's A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen, which is probably the most-used cookbook in our house.  My hubb and I have tried many different ways of cooking stovetop tofu (amazingly enough we've never baked it!  I know!) and were never happy with the texture.  We love the feel and taste of the tofu from our local Chinese restaurant but I just know its deep-fried, which I refuse to do.  So I was really excited when I flipped through the Winter section of Jack Bishop's lovely book and found several tofu recipes, all using this method, with Jack claiming that it was the best tofu he'd ever cooked.  We tried it, and had to agree.  And for a bonus, its really quick!  I can have tofu prepared and on our plates 25 minutes after removing it from its packaging.  Gotta love that. There are endless variations that can be made to the glaze, you can see some of mine here, here and here. I think this one is my favorite though... Bella Eats Tofu Glaze [for 12oz of firm or extra firm tofu]
  • 1/4 cup water or veggie broth
  • 2 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tsp minced fresh ginger
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • pinch of salt
The glaze has 2 main components that you should keep in any variation you make:
  1. liquid (deglazes the pan and helps coat the tofu)
  2. syrup (thickens the glaze when heated in the pan as the liquid evaporates)
*The liquid can be water, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, broth, orange juice, or any combination of the above. * For the syrup I've used both honey and maple syrup - both turn out well. Bella Eats Pan-Glazed Tofu Method [inspired by A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen, by Jack Bishop] I use firm or extra firm tofu for this recipe.  I think that extra firm comes out the best, with a firm but silky texture inside and glazed crispiness on the outside.
  1. Cut tofu into 1/2" thick slabs.  Size can vary, but thickness should always be around 1/2".  Any thinner and it gets tough.
  2. Place tofu pieces on 3 layers of paper towels.  Put 3 more paper towels across the top and press down on tofu firmly with the palm of your hand, until paper towels are saturated.  Repeat once more.
  3. Heat 1 tbsp oil on medium heat in non-stick skillet.
  4. When oil is hot, place tofu in pan.  You may need to do two batches if your pan isn't big enough to fit all of the tofu.
  5. This is the hardest part...LEAVE IT ALONE!  Don't touch the tofu for 5-6 minutes.  No stirring, no pan shaking, no flipping.  Just let it sit and sizzle.  After 5-6 minutes, check the bottom of the tofu for color.  Once it is a beautiful golden brown, flip it.
  6. And again, LEAVE IT ALONE!  Let it sizzle on the second side for an additional 5-6 minutes, until golden brown.
  7. Meanwhile, mix all of your glaze ingredients together.
  8. When tofu is golden on both sides, pour glaze over tofu into pan.  Now you can stir, coating the tofu with the glaze.  Let simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until all liquid as evaporated and the glaze has thickened.  Remove from pan and serve, pouring leftover glaze in pan over the tofu.
Sorry for the repeat of pictures... tofu after first flip tofu after first flip tofu simmering in glaze tofu simmering in glaze tofu ready to serve tofu ready to serve If I'm using the tofu in a stir fry with veggies, I cook the tofu first, remove from pan, cook the veggies in pan, then add the tofu back in when the veggies are tender along with a sauce of some sort. tofu-4 tofu veggie stir fry Enjoy!
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standard fuel


So today was a day full of easy favorites for me.  These meals/snacks show up on my blog pretty consistently because I love them all so much and they are so quick to prepare.  Honestly, if you asked me what my favorite easy + healthy breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner were these are probably the answers you would get.  Kind of a quick post tonight...goes with the theme of my quick eats!  :) Breakfast:  my standard banana, PB, flax and fig oats...yum. (this b-fast is tied with my ezekiel muffin, PB and fruit combo, which is my go-to if I'm running late and need to take b-fast with me). 090127-b11 This oat bowl contained the usual:
  • 1 cup water, pinch of salt, 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 small mashed banana
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground flax seeds
  • 1 dried fig
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
Lunch:  baked sweet potato with 1/4 cup edamame and 1/4 cup corn...such a good combo and SO filling. 090127-l2 Snack:  1/2 cup plain Fage 0% and 5 strawberries...the yogurt helps pick me up and keep me going through the rest of the afternoon, and makes me think I'm eating dessert.  :) 090127-s1 Snackie Treats:  I had a serious sweet tooth today!  I ran to the CVS across the street for some Dove dark chocolate hearts and ate 3 throughout the day.  I also had a date while fixing dinner. 090127-s2 Dinner:  tofu veggie stir fry on jasmine rice...a quick, easy vegetarian favorite!  We try to add bamboo shoots and water chestnuts, but forgot again tonight as usual.  We never remember until we've finished the meal! 090127-d6 This was a collaborative effort between my hubb and I tonight.  He took care of the veggies, I took care of the rice, wheatberries and tofu.  Our delectable meal contained:
  • 12oz pan-glazed tofu
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 3 celery ribs
  • 1 broccoli floret
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • jasmine rice
  • wheatberries
  • soy sauce
  • trader joe's soyaki sauce
  • sesame seeds
First I pan-glazed the tofu with my usual method. 090127-d1 This glaze consisted of (measurements are estimates...):
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp orange juice
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
090127-d2 The tofu turns out just crispy on the outside, firmly silky on the inside.  We LOVE it this way, and haven't been able to stray in years. 090127-d4 My hubb sauteed the veggies in a bit of olive oil and soysauce, then added the Trader Joe's soyaki sauce and tofu once the veggies were tender.  This sauce is really great.  We usually buy Veri Veri Teriyaki sauce from Soy Vay, but I picked this up last time I was at TJ's and it is almost as good, for much less $$$! 090127-d3 My bowl contained 1/2 cup jasmine rice, 1/2 cup wheatberries (boiled tonight to keep for the week) and about 1-1/2 cups of veggies + tofu.  Yum! 090127-d51 Dessert:  a Quaker True Delights toasted coconut banana macadamia nut granola bar, split with my hubb.  YUM!!!!!!  These bars are brilliant.  Absolutely brilliant.  When I opened the package I almost passed out from the unbelievably good scent that met my nose.  And the flavor was perfect...not artificial tasting at all.  I could eat one for dessert every night, and they are only 140 calories!   090127-s3 Exercise:  YOGA!!!!  Mmmmmmmm.  We've been having an ice storm for most of the day so the sidewalks were far to treacherous for a run this evening.  I didn't even want to go back out to the yoga studio and drive on the slick roads.  So, instead, I popped my favorite Power Yoga dvd into my computer and stretched out my unused muscles for 55 minutes.  It felt SO good, but made me realize how much my week off from exercise has affected my strength, flexibility and endurance!  Good news though, my foot felt GREAT!  I'm READY for a run, as soon as the weather cooperates!  :) Question, What's your favorite yoga pose?  Least favorite?  I think my favorites are pigeon and twisted triangle, my least favorite is currently twisted prayer lunge (I think that's what its called...). G'night!
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swiss chard, i think i love you


I am a BIG fan of leafy greens.  Collards, kale, mustard name it, I probably like it.  Except for swiss chard.  I've never been convinced of swiss chard.  Now to be fair, I haven't given it many chances.  I made a chard gratin many years ago with the stems and it turned out mushy and bland.  I sauteed the leaves and they were a little bitter.  And then I gave up because I already had a long-term relationship with collard greens and didn't really feel the need to rock the boat.   090126-d4 Last week I decided that maybe it was time to give chard another chance, in the name of trying new things and expanding my veggie-loving horizons.  I bought 2 bunches and planned to try preparing them using this recipe.  And then I got busy, and the chard went bad.  So on Saturday I bought another two bunches and made sure to plan a meal with them at the beginning of the week so that there wouldn't be a repeat of last week's waste.   090126-d3 We had a couple of ingredients in the fridge leftover from this weekend, bacon and heavy cream, two items I don't get to cook with very often in my quest to eat healthfully.  So, in the name of not wanting to waste more ingredients in my fridge, this recipe was born. Swiss Chard + Bacon Linguine with Butternut Squash Cream Sauce makes 4 servings Ingredients:
  • 1 pound swiss chard, preferably rainbow or red-stem
  • 1/4 pound bacon
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 8oz butternut squash puree'
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
  • 3/4 pound whole wheat linguine
  • salt + pepper
  1. Wash chard and separate leaves from stems.  Course chop both, separately.
  2. Boil linguine for 10-12 minutes, until al dente.  Drain and set aside.
  3. Fry bacon in large, nonstick skillet.  Set aside on paper towels.
  4. Saute' onion in nonstick skillet for 2 minutes, until translucent.  Add chard stems and saute' for an additional 2 minutes, stirring frequently.  Add 1/2 cup of water to pan along with chard leaves.  Cover with a cookie sheet and allow to simmer for 3-5 minutes until stems are tender. Remove from heat and keep warm.
  5. Whisk squash and cream together over medium high heat.  Bring just to a boil then lower heat to simmer, whisking constantly.  As sauce thickens add parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.  Remove from heat.
  6. Pile noodles on plate.  Drizzle with a bit of sauce.  Add chard mixture and crumble bacon on top.  Drizzle additional sauce across the chard.
090126-d5 This was really delicious.  Swiss chard and I are now good friends, and I think we have quite the future ahead of us... What vegetable have you tried in the past but written off because of an unpleasant first experience? 090126-d6 Ahh routine.  I LOVED spending so much time with friends this weekend and having an excuse to eat several meals out and drink lots of wine, but my body is thanking me for getting back on track.  I was starting to feel a little blah what with all the unhealthy eats, vino and lack of exercise due to a sore foot, so today was definitely a welcome change.  Granted, my dinner included a small amount of bacon and cream, but at least it was whole and homemade.  :) I started the morning off inspired by the custard oats I've seen pop up on both Sarah's and Heather's blogs.  These two ladies are really fabulous, and their blogs are daily reads of mine. Check them out if you haven't yet! Breakfast:  custard oats topped with cinnamon, flax seeds, dried figs and a PB spoon. 090126-b1 To make the custard oats I combined 1/2 cup soymilk, 1/2 cup water, 2 egg whites and 1 tsp vanilla in a small pot on the stovetop.  I set the heat way too high and walked away from the stove, resulting in a very smelly mess of boiled over milk and eggs.  Thank goodness for glass cooktops!  Yuck.  I didn't want to give up, so I quickly jumped back on Heather's blog to read that I was supposed to keep the heat on medium and whisk the ingredients constantly until they thicken a bit.  MUCH better.  At this point I added 1/2 cup of rolled oats and kept the heat on medium, stirring occasionally for 8-10 minutes.  After the oats had thickened quite a bit more, but were still a little runny, I removed the pot from the heat and covered it to allow for additional thickening while cooling. I topped my bowl with:
  • a sprinkle of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp flax seeds
  • 1 dried fig
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
The verdict?  Well, the oats were certainly very creamy, but I think I prefer the texture of my standard oats much better.  The banana doesn't cream-ify the oats quite as much, and lends such a wonderful sweetness to the whole bowl.  With the egg whites I kept thinking I could taste them, and worried about whether or not they were actually cooked.  Eggs freak me out a little. Don't judge.  :)  I'm glad that I tried them though, thanks ladies! Lunch:  the other 1/2 of my Amy's Curried Lentil Soup and a big salad.  Look familiar?  It was SO welcome. 090126-l1 090126-l3 This beauty contained:
  • spinach
  • red bell pepper
  • cucumber
  • hearts of palm
  • garbonzo beans
  • a tangelo
  • poppyseed dressing
YUM!  I finally remembered to take a picture of the dressing bottle for you too.  Its SO tasty, but definitely not low-cal.  Does anybody know of a good low-cal creamy poppyseed dressing?  I'd love to know about it!  I'm addicted to poppyseed dressing on top of fruit on top of salad. The bottle says that its good drizzled on fresh peaches...hmmmm.   090126-l2 Snack:  a peanut butter cookie larabar.  After witnessing several of my fellow bloggers ignore the salmonella scare and refuse to waste their favorite bars, I decided to do the same.  Its my favorite flavor, and I can't find them ANYWHERE (or at least can't remember where I found this one) so I decided to risk it. Probably stupid, huh?  It was tasty though!  :) 090126-s1 Ok, this post has been really long.  I'll quickly tell you that I didn't get a run in tonight because I had to work late, but my foot is feeling much better! There is still slight pain, so its probably best that I gave it another day before pounding the pavement.  I do have plans for some yoga tomorrow morning though, and I can't wait! Oh, and I almost forgot!  Look what was waiting for me when I got home tonight...Quaker True Delights bars from Foodbuzz!!! 090126-d2 I've been dying to try these new bars from Quaker since seeing them on Jenna's and Kath's blogs last fall, so of course I said YES when Foodbuzz asked if I wanted to try them!  Thanks Foodbuzz!!! The hubb and I split the dark raspberry almond flavor for dessert and it was SO good.  I think I'm in love with a new granola bar...move over Kashi!  :) Ok, now its bed time.  G'night!
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