a few thoughts...
First of all, I want to welcome my new readers! I've seen a lot of new names pop up in the comments these last couple of weeks...keep it up! I love hearing from you. In fact, if you haven't commented before, please do! Don't be shy... I try to respond to all questions and suggestions as soon as possible, but sometimes it takes me a couple of days...I'm sorry! If you ask me a question, be sure to check back for an answer within a day or two. :)
Secondly, there are some exciting things happening in our little community right now that I want to mention.
This DELICIOUS bowl contained:
Afternoon Snack: 1/2 cup plain Fage 0% and one tangelo.
[132 cal]
Extras: 3 Dove dark chocolate hearts [126 cal - I should try to skip these tomorrow], 10 Annie's Honey Bunnies [54 cal]
Dinner: saffron tomato fennel soup [recipe] and "grilled cheese".
[262 cal (soup) + 220 cal (grilled cheese)]
This is one of my favorite soups, we make it several times a year. I added wheatberries this time and substituted thyme for basil because its what I had. I just realized that I had wheatberries with every meal today...versatile little things, aren't they?!?
My substitute for the classic gilled cheese I normally enjoy with tomato soup was a broiled ham + cheddar sandwich on whole wheat sourdough bread. 1 slice bread, 1oz cheddar, 1/2oz sliced ham.
Exercise: I went for a run!!! FINALLY! It felt great to be back out on the road, stretching out my legs. I had my new inserts in my shoes and I have to say, they hurt my feet a little! I'm hoping its just because my feet aren't used to them yet. I'm going to give it a few more runs and see how they feel. My toes have been all weird and tingly tonight too. They felt like they were asleep when I finished my run, and now they are red, a little puffy, and hurt to the touch. Strange! I've never had that happen before, and I'm hoping it will pass quickly! So other than my weird feet issues my 3-mile run felt great. I'm still hoping to train for the race, and am planning on getting a 5-6 mile long run in this weekend. I'll re-evaluate my training schedule after that.
[3 miles, 10-min/mile pace, -318 cal]
Total Calorie Count:
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- Meghann's training for a marathon! Not only is she training, she's raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please check out her blog to keep up with her progress and to donate if you can! Also, she will be hosting a blogger bake sale the week of February 9th (I'll be selling some goods!) so be sure to check in and bid on some tasty treats to support a great cause!
- BSI is back!!! Thanks to Biz over at Biggest Diabetic Loser for reorganizing the fun last week! She's picked Sarah over at Tales of Expansion to host this week's contest...DATES!!! I'm very excited. :)

- 1 cup water, pinch of salt, 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1 small mashed banana
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp wheatberries
- 1 tbsp natural PB
- 3 small turkish apricots

- consumed 1,884 cal
- expelled 318 cal
- net 1,564 cal