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Filtering by Tag: veggies

back to the grind for just one day


Can every work week be just one day long?  It was strange to get up this morning at 6am after two weeks of sleeping until 8am, but I managed.  Did anyone else have to work today?  I felt like I was the only one, even my one co-worker called in sick.  My boss was nice enough to tell me to go home at 4pm (we normally leave the office at 6pm), so I was able to run a few errands before picking up my hubb and heading home.  One of my errands involved an exciting new purchase which I am sure I will post about this weekend so you'll just have to wait...  :) Breakfast:  3/4 cup Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch cereal from Nature's Path with 3/4 cup Hemp Milk and 1/2 a banana sliced.  On the side, the other 1/2 banana with 1 tbsp almond butter. 081231-s1 I'm ready to use up this cereal.  Its good, but it has more calories per serving than I typically look for in a cereal and doesn't keep me full for very long.  I'm getting close...  The hemp milk is really good.  It is thinner than soymilk, and has a slightly sweeter flavor.  I still think that I prefer soymilk but the hemp is nice to keep around because it doesn't have to be refrigerated before opening.  Its my back-up milk. 090102-b11 Lunch:  Leftover black-eyed peas on brown rice and the last of the roasted veggies. 090102-l1 Mmmm.  Warm and satisfying.  Have I mentioned that my office is freezing?  Actually, we blast the heat, but I sit right by the really old and poorly-insulated windows that let every 35* draft in.  So one side of me sits in a sauna all day while the other side of me turns into an ice cube.  Its miserable, but my boss is working on getting the windows replaced so I'm trying to be a good sport.  There are some days when I never take off my wool winter coat and scarf all day long... Snacks:  I spread 2 clementines and a peanut butter cookie Larabar throughout the day.  I also had 3 brazil nuts and 2 mugs of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea (to try and thaw myself out). 090102-s2 Oh. My. Goodness.  Now I know why you all have been raving about the PB Cookie Larabars!!!  I couldn't find this particular flavor for the longest time, but while searching for some gifts the week before Christmas I happened to run into a store I don't visit often and found this beauty on their shelf.  It was amazing!!!  The only ingredients?  Dates and peanuts.  I'm in love.  I had every intention of eating just 1/2 the bar but couldn't stop once I started.  These could be really dangerous...luckily they are good for me! 090102-s1 Dinner:  Another bowl of black-eyed peas on brown rice.  Shockingly I haven't tired of these yet! Don't be surprised if you see a repeat tomorrow, but after that I'm freezing the remainder.  They'll make a great lunch in a couple of weeks. 090102-d21 I also made a big salad with romaine, spinach, cucumber, yellow bell pepp, green olives and feta cheese.  I added a glob of roasted garlic hummus on the side because it sounded tasty, and drizzled the salad with 1/2 tsp grapeseed oil and 1 tsp moscatel wine vinegar. 090102-d1 Dessert:  Our dear friend Kelly, whose husband Steve was the guest of honor at the New Years Eve Surprise Birthday Party we unfortunately had to miss, brought us a plate of leftover birthday cake today!  My biggest weakness in the whole culinary world is cake.  I LOVE CAKE.  Who doesn't?  Cake tops cookies, pies, brownies and ice cream on my list of favorite sweets.   090102-d3 I started off with just the 3 bites you see missing in the photo above.  I promptly put the plastic wrap back on the cake, slid it to the back of the kitchen counter and turned off the kitchen light as I went to the living room to join my hubb for some Friday night t.v. watchin'.  I thought I was safe.  Then, the hubb disappears to the kitchen and comes back with the plate of cake and a fork.  I was powerless to stop him from handing me the fork after every third bite of his.  I just can't help it.  We did scrape off most of the icing because it was too thick and sweet, so I feel slightly better about the whole thing.  But now I have mega motivation to get out the door tomorrow for a run.  :P Exercise:  Before dinner tonight I pulled out my favorite yoga DVD for 30 minutes of intense stretching.  I wouldn't call it a power yoga session because I wasn't sweating, but I was definitely working my whole body and feel so much better now for it.  It had been two weeks since my last yoga practice and I was really feeling the need to get back into it.  Afterwards I did 10 minutes of ab work in various positions.   Tomorrow is a long run day and I feel stretched and ready to go.  I'm nervous because my longest run in the last 3 weeks was 2-1/2 miles while in Florida.  Eek!  I didn't realize it had been that long since our 3-1/4 mile run.  Now I'm really nervous.  We were supposed to run a 5k on New Years Day but weren't up for it after all the traveling and dog sickness etc.  I think I'm going to plan on a 4 mile run tomorrow, a 4-1/2 mile run mid-week, along with a couple more shorter runs and then hopefully be back on track for the 5 mile run scheduled for next weekend.  Scary! Alrighty, I have a date with my hubb and a movie.  Anybody have any exciting plans for this weekend or are you all just recovering from the holidays like we are?
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simple eats


What a day.  My brain is completely fried after an exhausting + frustrating 9 hours in the office.  I'm so glad that the hubb and I got up and ran this morning, there is no way I would have felt up to it tonight!  We ran a lovely 2 miles, with 1/4 mile warm-up and cool-down, for a total of 2-1/2 miles.  We're finally sticking with the weekly mileage in the training program so there will be a bigger difference between our long Saturday runs and our mid-week training runs.  We are bumping to 4 days of running per week too, up from 3, which I'm excited about!  I did pop my favorite power yoga dvd in the player for 45 minutes of strength training after work, followed by 15 minutes of crunches.   Here's a quick daily eats recap: Breakfast:  An Ezekiel cinnamon raisin muffin with 1 tbsp almond butter and a banana. 081216-b1 Lunch:  A whole wheat pita stuffed with 2 tbsp TJ's edamame hummus (YUM!), broccoli slaw, yellow bell pepper and cucumber, along with an Oikos blueberry yogurt.  This was my first blueberry Oikos experience...I literally got THE LAST OIKOS on the shelf at Harris Teeter.  Below the empty shelf was a sign that explained that they wouldn't be stocking Oikos for a short period due to a manufacturing problem.  I guess I owe my Whole Foods a blog apology for ranting about them last week...   :P  Anyway, the blueberry was pretty tasty but I really miss my honey flavor!!! 081216-l1 081216-l2 Snack:  A 12oz skim latte from my favorite coffee shop downtown and 1/2 a honeycrisp apple.  This apple was really disappointing as all my store-bought apples have been lately, I guess the season is finally over...  :( 081216-s1 Dinner:  Baked chicken, roasted veggies  (brussels, potatoes + golden beets) and Near East Whole Grain Blends (chicken + garlic). 081216-d1 081216-d2 Dessert:  Definitely breaking back into the chocolate covered strawberries in a little bit... I'm off to do more Christmas prep...we'll be in Florida in 1 week!!!  Yay!!!
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Good morning (err...afternoon?!?) all!!!  I have an exciting announcement to make...Tanya over at has featured me on her site to share my Healthy Foodie Favorite Products of 2008! I am so very excited and flattered that Tanya contacted me, and have discovered that her site is a fabulous resource of product reviews.  You all should hop over there to check out her reviews of all low fat, low carb, reduced sugar, whole grain, natural, organic or high protein products that she can get her hands on!  Thank you Tanya!!!  :) So, last night I caved to my craving for eggnog.  It is definitely my holiday must-have treat, but luckily, after a glass (or 3 or 6) during the first week of December I am GOOD for the rest of the year. Eggnog is one of those things that I can only handle a very small amount of, thankfully since it is certainly not light in the calorie/fat area...! 081130-s2 Breakfast:  Bowl of oats...yay!  So much more filling and satisfying than yesterday's (non-breakfast) cookie.  This standard bowl featured
  • 1 cup prepared rolled oats
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • sprinkling of pom seeds
081201-b1 I enjoyed my long weekend immensely, but I am excited to be back into my regular routine and healthy eats. Lunch:  I've felt like my lunches have been lacking in the protein department lately, so I decided to mash up some chickpeas this morning with a little extra virgin OO, salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne pepper. 081201-l1 I spread about 1/4 of the mashed chickpeas into a whole wheat pita, and filled it up with leftover roasted veggies.  On the side, the last of the roasted veggies and mashed sweet potatoes.  I just finished lunch, and am really full after just 1/2 the pita and all of the extra veggies/sweet potatoes. We'll see if I'm hungry for the other 1/2 a bit later... 081201-l2 Snack:  My trusty Pink Lady apple.  And maybe a piece of maple banana corn bread too...  I brought about 1/2 the loaf into the office for my co-workers and it has been a BIG HIT so far, so we'll see if there is any left for me this afternoon... 081201-s1 I hope you all have a fabulous afternoon!
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oh the weather outside is frightful...


What a dreary, rainy day we had. Yuck. I made the best of it with a fabulous Vinyasa Yoga class, a little baking, some Christmas decorating and an awesome turkey noodle soup made by my dear hubby. All in all, it was a great way to end a lovely four day weekend. Breakfast: A cookie! (I know, slap my hand!!!) along with a banana and almond butter. 081130-b1 I had a quick snack before yoga because I was STARVING. Apparently cookies for breakfast aren't the most filling of choices. Lesson learned. Snack: Blueberry Clif ZBar. 081130-s1 Yoga was amazing as always, my muscles and joints felt all squishy afterwards.  Love it! Lunch:  Leftover roasted veggies, a handful of Kashi crackers and about 1 oz of aged gouda. 081130-l1 I caught up on some blogs, then decided it was time to finally make the maple banana cornbread recipe from Sweet and Natural.  I've been dying to try this!!! 081130-bread-3 081130-bread-4 081130-bread-2 Soooooooo good!  I had two slices for my afternoon "snack" while decorating our Christmas tree.  Both hubby and I were very impressed.  I think I overcooked it a bit, it didn't seem done at 30 minutes so I left it in for an extra 5 and it turned out a bit drier than I expected.  Totally my fault for not trusting the recipe.  :( But still so yummy...I can't wait to share it with the co-workers! Dinner:  Brian made turkey noodle soup with fresh stock made from our smoked Thanksgiving turkey carcass.  I can't even describe how good it was.  The stock was perfectly smokey, and he added the leftover turkey meat, celery, onion, carrot, potato, fresh sage and my favorite brown rice curly-cue pasta.  YUMMMMMM!!!!!!  I had this bowl, plus another about 1/2 its size.  And a small glass of wine. 081130-d1 081130-d2 After dinner we finished decorating the Christmas tree.  I <3 <3 <3 our tree.  A few years ago we decided to stop cutting down live trees 'cause we felt bad, and thought it was time to find ourselves a good artificial tree.  We thought "hey, if its fake...lets make it REALLY fake" and decided on a fabulous silver tree.  Very retro, and I adore it.  :) We have mostly white and silver ornaments (which we had long before the silver tree...just coincidence). 081130-xmas-1 081130-xmas-2 But we also have the obligatory ornaments that you collect from childhood.  You can learn a lot about young Andrea from these ornaments... 081130-xmas-3 Like...I played soccer.  I loved Winnie the Pooh.  I wanted to be a magician.  I played the saxophone.  I liked penguins.  I am a Florida Gator.  You get the idea... All Finished! 081130-xmas-4 And look, my hubby sneaked something under the tree!  Presents for moi!!!  :) 081130-xmas-5 Anyway, sorry for getting a bit off-subject.  But it does help to explain my current mood and why I am now craving an after-dinner snack of eggnog... What is your holiday must-have treat??? 
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cranberry walnut sandies - BSI!!!


Good morning! Sorry I missed a post last night...I was wrapped up in BSI baking and then two movies on the couch with my hubby. :) I'm very excited about this week's BSI ingredient chosen by Amy over at Coffee Talk...WALNUTS!!!  As you've probably noticed, all of my BSI entries thus far have involved baking.  I love to bake and realized that I wasn't doing enough of it so this has been a great way for me to get creative with making up my own recipes and experimenting in the kitchen.  Walnuts were a tough one for me this week because I really don't cook much with hubby HATES cooked nuts in baked goods.  Something about the texture.  So I never add walnuts to my banana bread or brownies because he won't eat them, which means I would be left with the whole batch to eat all by myself. A feat I am certainly capable of but which is not so helpful in my quest to eat healthier or lose weight. So this recipe comes from two points of inspiration...  1.  How do I incorporate walnuts into a baked good in a way in which Brian will eat the baked good?  2.  How can I incorporate some of our leftover Thanksgiving ingredients so that they don't go to waste (buttermilk and fresh cranberries)? The solution?  Cranberry Walnut Sandies!!! bsi-92 Whenever I have buttermilk in the fridge that is needing to be used I think of a wonderful scone recipe that a friend gave me a long time ago.  Her scones are wonderfully fluffy, unlike most dry, hard scones you find in stores.  I decided to start with her recipe, but to substitute the all-purpose flour for white whole wheat flour, and substitute some of the total amount of flour for some ground up walnuts.  I was hoping that the ground walnuts would give the scones a wal-nutty taste without the big chunks of baked nuts that my husband despises so much.  I added turbinado sugar in place of refined, and threw in the leftover fresh cranberries I had in the fridge. I was surprised when I got everything all mixed together and the result resembled cookie dough rather than scone or bread dough like I thought it would.  Because of this unexpected twist, the recipe quickly turned into a cookie recipe rather than a scone recipe.  Warning: this is not one of my healthier recipes...  :) Cranberry Walnut Sandies makes 18 cookies calories: 252  fat: 15.4g  sat. fat: 5.8g  carbs: 26g  fiber: 3g  sugar: 13.2g  protein: 4.8g Ingredients:
  • 3/4 cup buttermillk
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2-1/4 cups white whole wheat flour
  • 1-1/2 cups walnut halves and pieces
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 8 tbsp cold, unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 2/3 cup turbinado sugar
  • 1 cup whole fresh cranberries, chopped finely in processor
  • 4 oz baking chocolate, broken into small pieces
  1. Preheat oven to 375*.
  2. Spread walnut halves on ungreased baking sheet and place in oven to toast for about 10 minutes or until fragrant.  Stir once at about 5 minutes.
  3. Pull walnut halves from oven and grind to fine flour in food processor or blender.
  4. Mix WWW flour with ground walnuts, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.
  5. Add butter and cut in with a pastry blender or rub in with your fingers until the mixture resembles course bread crumbs.
  6. Add sugar, chopped cranberries and chocolate pieces.
  7. In separate bowl, mix together buttermilk, egg and extract until smooth. Pour wet mixture into dry mixture and fold together until well blended.
  8. Place golf ball sized drops of dough on greased cookie sheet.  Press each dough ball down to flatten slightly.
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
walnut "flour"
walnut flour chopped cranberries chopped cranberries chocolate chunks chocolate chunks pre-baking pre-baking I am so happy with the result, especially since I really wasn't sure what to expect.  The cookies came out perfectly crunchy on the outside and wonderfully moist on the inside.  The walnut flavor in the dough is fantastic...I was worried that it might be overpowering but it is not at all.   Because the cranberries are chopped so finely they add more of a sweetness to the cookie than a tartness.   And the ultimate test...Brian LOVED them!   bsi-81 bsi-101 bsi-11 I love the little red cranberry specs in them.  I will definitely be making these again...probably as a holiday cookie this Christmas.  I'd like to try them out as smaller, bite-size drop cookies to increase their crunch a bit. A quick dinner recap for last night... Dinner:  Leftovers!!!  (thankfully the last of them) along with a new batch of roasted veggies.  We had none leftover after Thanksgiving!!!  But luckily we hadn't roasted all the veggies we had in the fridge, so I was able to do another batch of them last night. 081129-d3
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • parsnips
  • beats
  • tomatoes
  • garlic
  • mashed sweet potatoes
  • mashed russet potatoes and celery root
  • stuffing
  • cornbread pudding
  • veggies
081129-d4 And two glasses of wine, one while cooking/eating and one while movie watching. 081129-d1 And, 1/2 a cookie for dessert.  Bri took the other 1/2... bsi-123 Busy day ahead... Christmas decorating (didn't get to it last night what with all the movie watching...), yoga!!!, more baking, cooking a few things to get a head start on the week, maybe spin....  I'll report back later! Enjoy your Sunday!
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