i owe you...
...a post. But instead of telling you about my sunday eats (which were unhealthy, eaten in the car, in ikea or out of a dominoes box) I decided to break up today's food journal posts. Since I missed out on all of my baking plans this weekend (a trip to Ikea and the resulting piles of boxes, plastic wrap, tiny allen wrenches and discarded old furniture will do that to you...) I'm hoping to play a little catch-up tonight and tomorrow night. Which means lots of pictures of baked goods are coming. Yum.
Thank you all for the sweet congratulatory comments on Saturday's post!!! I am so lucky to be part of such a supportive network of people, it really means a lot to me that you all are cheering me on. :)
Breakfast: toasted Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin Muffin with 1 tbsp almond butter, sliced apple and 1 tbsp cranberry ketchup.
I'll give you a preview of what I'll be eating for lunch and my snack today. I pack my food in the morning and take all of my photos before work, which is why I always have the same background in my shots. I like the consistency, and it allows me to avoid awkward questions from my boss and co-worker. They just don't need to know about the blog. Not yet anyway.
Lunch: baked sweet potato with 1/2 cup of corn and 1/4 cup of edamame...and a good sprinkle of sea salt.
Snack: 1/2 cup of Fage 0% and 4 beautiful strawberries.
Last week I read this article by Mark Bittman of The New York Times about what common pantry items to ditch in 2009. I found it very interesting and thought you all might as well. He suggests replacing pre-packaged, preservative-full items with their natural counterparts...sounds right up our foodie alleys, doesn't it? A couple of examples:
OUT: packaged bread crumbs or croutons
IN: make your own by chopping up bread and placing in a low-heat oven until brown and crispy. Mark claims they will keep for a long time!
OUT: aerosol oil
IN: good olive oil in a hand-pumped sprayer
OUT: old spices - they're only good for one year!!! (looks like I have some cleaning-out to do...!)
IN: fresh spices - if you take a whiff of your spice jar and get dust or a musty smell instead, toss it!
OUT: canned beans
IN: dried beans. Cook up a pound over the weekend to use all week long. They taste better, are more economical and take up less space in your pantry.
There are so many other great suggestions...check out the article!
I hope you all have a fabulous day, I'll be back tonight. :)
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