training week #5 + groceries
Happy Saturday! I hope that everybody is enjoying their post-Thanksgiving weekend with family, friends, relaxation etc.
Brian and I started the morning right with a run with the 10-Miler training group. We ran 2 full miles on the track (boring!!!) but it went really well and felt great. This morning was especially important for me because I was trying out a loaner pair of shoes that my running coach gave me out of his shop to see if they would help to correct the foot pain I've been experiencing. Verdict is....success!!! I ran the full 2 miles pain-free. YAY!!!! He says that I have a very unusual foot and that this is their least-selling shoe because it combines the soft, cushioned sole with added support for pronation. They are still Brooks, which I've been running in off and on for about 9 months, just a different style. I love them so far...aren't they pretty?!?!? Not that that is the point...
Breakfast: I had 1/2 a banana before my run, then came home for a bowl of oats. This yummy bowl contained
I spent some time catching up on blogs this morning, then made our grocery list for the week. I took a thorough inventory of the fridge, pantry and freezer and was able to keep the trip pretty light. But first, we stopped at the running shop so I could buy my shoes. I also picked up a wind/rain breaker from the sale rack and a pair of gloves. Anything to keep me motivated to run through the winter...
Its not really day-glow pink...more of a bright raspberry. I figure I won't be missed when running on the road! Brian also got a new pair of shoes, and since we spent so much money (eek!!!) I got a free t-shirt (yeah!).
After that spending spree we stopped at Hot Cakes for lunch. They have an awesome selection of salads, sandwiches, soups, quiches, lasagnas etc. I selected the Salad Sampler which had
Next was Whole Foods. I was shooting for $50, but was thrown off after my amazing lentil salad from lunch (I just had to buy bulk lentils to try and replicate it), a sale on Amy's soups (who can resist?) and a persimmon! So the total wound up at $63, which is still good for us considering we typically spend at least twice that (scary...I know). I paid for detergent and dish soap separately to help us to get an idea of our actual food cost for December. We're trying to cut our grocery shopping in 1/2...
Here's our loot:
After getting home, unloading and photographing groceries I was ready for a snack. I decided to try out the infamous PB-filled medjool date for the first time.
FANTASTIC!!! Now I know what you all have been raving about!!! I also had a couple of tortilla chips with some salsa that Brian was munching on...
Now we are going to spend the evening decorating our Christmas tree while I bake up a few treats in the kitchen!!! I should have a BSI post tonight or tomorrow morning, and I'm going to try another of Sweet + Natural's recipes! Woohoo!!!
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- 1 cup prepared rolled oats
- 1 apple sprinkled with 1 tsp turbinado sugar and a dash of cinnamon
- 1 tbsp almond butter
- 1 tsp ground flax seeds
- sprinkling of pom seeds

- Spicy Lentil Salad (sooooooooooo good, has me craving lentils now)
- Tomato/Onion/Feta Salad
- Roasted Cauliflower w/ Dried Cherries and Capers (such an unusual combo but really tasty!)

- brown rice pasta
- corn meal
- walnuts (BSI!!!)
- dried lentils
- bars!!! (we're taking full advantage of the coupons in the Whole Deal and stocking up every week)
- canned beans
- enchilada sauce
- Amy's Soups (in hearty bean flavors for added protein for me)
- organic Stonyfield French Vanilla yogurt (no Oikos for me this week...)
- eggs

- bell peppers
- carrots
- spinach
- potatoes
- bananas
- sweet potatoes
- persimmon