weekend eats recap + awards!
Its Monday already?!?!? Its amazing how quickly the weekends go by when you have so much to accomplish before the holidays. :( I have a weekend eats recap for you, and also a couple of exciting news tidibits!
A big THANK YOU!!! to Ashley over at Sweet + Natural for liking my BSI recipe enough to proclaim it winner of BSI: PEPPERMINT!!! I'm so excited, and thrilled at the great response I've had to the recipe! I hope you all try the scones and let me know what you think. Its easy to un-holiday them by replacing the eggnog with buttermilk and the peppermint with any toppings of your choice. Some of my faves are dried cranberry + dark chocolate and orange zest, orange extract + cranberry...yum!
Another big THANK YOU to Maggie over at Say Yes To Salad for the "I Love Your Blog" Award! I'm completely touched, she is so sweet!!!
I've just recently discovered Maggie's blog and am enjoying getting to know it. She has some fabulous recipes...go check her out! I'd like to pass the award on to Jennifer at Running With Food. Jenn also has some fabulous recipes to share, along with beautiful pictures, great stories and a HILARIOUS sense of humor!!! Her posts always have me giggling... I love your blog Jenn!!! :)
And last, thank you for all of the sweet comments regarding my new header look! It was a lot of fun to design my own and tweak the css code, but time consuming! So I'm glad that you've noticed and that you like the design, it makes it feel worth the effort! :)
Ok, weekend eats recap:
Saturday Breakfast: Red Currant Pancakes with 1/2 of a sliced honeycrisp apple.
Saturday Lunch / Snack: Medjool Date with PB, 3/4 cup plain Oikos with 1/4 cup TJ's Pumpkin Spice Granola and a sprinkling of currants. Breakfast was late so I just kinda snacked my way through the afternoon. I also had a handful of TJ's multigrain tortilla chips...
Several of you comment that you've never had currants before! Just a warning, they are tart so if you're not a fan of tang you may want to try them before you add them to anything.
Saturday Dinner: Take-out Thai...yum! I ordered Pad Thai with Tofu and veggie spring rolls with spicy pineapple sauce.
Saturday Dessert: 1/2 a Peppermint Eggnog Scone.
Sunday Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with sauteed pepper and onion, and two leftover Red Currant Pancakes. This didn't turn out to be what I wanted so I just picked through about 1/2 the scrambled eggs...I ate both of my pancakes though! :)
Sunday Lunch #1: Leftover Pad Thai
The hubb and I were on different lunch schedules, and somehow we got out of the house to run errands without him eating anything. A couple of hours in he was starving, and I was craving veggies since I hadn't had many over the previous 24 hours. So we stopped at a little pizza place for his first lunch (calzone) and my second...
Sunday Lunch #2: Garden Salad with Bean Salad on top.
Sunday Dinner: So not healthy in any way... Mexican Dip with Multigrain Tortilla Chips.
This is a classic favorite of ours. The tradition started with my college roommate and I, we'd pile refried beans, salsa and shredded cheese together in a casserole dish and bake it for 20 minutes before dipping tortilla chips in while watching movies. The hubb and I have experimented some and never have the same dip twice. This one consisted of refried black beans, taco seasoning, sour cream, salsa, onion, orange bell pepper, corn, and cheddar cheese. Sooooo good, yet so bad... The good news is that this is the first time in the six weeks since I've been writing this blog that you have seen this dish. We used to eat is once a week...seriously.
Sunday Dessert: A Peppermint Eggnog Scone.
We went to the grocery store today, but I won't bore you with all the details. We did get this fabulous treat though...
Brussels Sprouts on their stalk!!! I've never seen them in the store like this before. We tried growing them in our garden this year but because we don't spray, the bugs got to them before they could mature. Aren't they fabulous!?!?!
Sadly I missed yoga yesterday because we were running errands. I hate missing yoga, but will have to try to make up for it this week. I'm going to try to keep my posts short and sweet because our evenings are jam-packed with Christmas prep, so this will probably be the last long post for awhile...I'm sure you won't mind because we're ALL busy! :)
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