bye bye moles...
I started off my morning with a trip to the dermatologist to have a couple of moles removed. Yuck. My doctor is great and a couple of my little spots were suspicious to her so she decided they should go. I trust her, so off they went. Two on my back, one on my thigh. I'm kinda sad about the one on my thigh...I was very familiar with it because it was so visible to me. And now there will be an ugly scar in its place, unfortunately below my shorts line. :( Is it weird that I was slightly attached to my moles? Hmmmm.....
Okay, a little backtrack. Last night I was in such a snackie mood (as evidenced by last night's post) and had a bit of a sweet tooth attack after dinner. I satisfied it with a cup of unsweetened applesauce and some Annie's Honey Grahams on top. Yummy. I just love these little Bunnies!!!
I also decided that I wanted to try a Fitnessista Breakfast Cookie because I've been intrigued by them on Jenna's posts lately. So last night I mixed together:
It was basically my typical oats bowl with the addition of the Dark Chocolate PB all mashed out into cookie form. It didn't get as hard as I expected, I wasn't able to pick it up and eat it. But I guess that makes sense with the banana in it.
I was excited about this new breakfast creation for a couple of reasons. 1) Who doesn't love a cookie for breakfast?!? 2) One of Brian's favorite things is his grandmother's No-Bake Cookies, which are very similar to this but they stick together better and get a little harder. And they are completely unhealthy. I see this as a jumping off point to "healthify" a classic favorite...
For lunch I stuffed 1/3 of my leftover tuna salad into a whole wheat pita, along with some broccoli slaw.
Paired with a plain Oikos and a Pink Lady...
And for a snack I have my leftover banana from yesterday and a Clif Z-Bar.
I have lots of exercise planned for today! I'm meeting my friend Christine for a 45 minute hilly walk at lunchtime. And tonight I am going to my first Spin Class!!! A friend of mine teaches at the University's gym, and even though I'm not a member anymore since I'm not a student, she can get me into the class for just $5! I'm super-excited. I've been reading about everybody else's spin classes and what great workouts they are, so I can't wait to try one myself! I'll report in tonight.
I hope everybody has a fantastic day! Almost Friday!!!
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- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/2 scoop vanilla soy protein powder
- 1 tbsp PB&Co Dark Chocolate Dreams
- 1/8 cup Silk plain soy milk
- 1/2 mashed banana
- 1/4 cup frozen blueberries