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Good morning (err...afternoon?!?) all!!!  I have an exciting announcement to make...Tanya over at has featured me on her site to share my Healthy Foodie Favorite Products of 2008! I am so very excited and flattered that Tanya contacted me, and have discovered that her site is a fabulous resource of product reviews.  You all should hop over there to check out her reviews of all low fat, low carb, reduced sugar, whole grain, natural, organic or high protein products that she can get her hands on!  Thank you Tanya!!!  :) So, last night I caved to my craving for eggnog.  It is definitely my holiday must-have treat, but luckily, after a glass (or 3 or 6) during the first week of December I am GOOD for the rest of the year. Eggnog is one of those things that I can only handle a very small amount of, thankfully since it is certainly not light in the calorie/fat area...! 081130-s2 Breakfast:  Bowl of oats...yay!  So much more filling and satisfying than yesterday's (non-breakfast) cookie.  This standard bowl featured
  • 1 cup prepared rolled oats
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • sprinkling of pom seeds
081201-b1 I enjoyed my long weekend immensely, but I am excited to be back into my regular routine and healthy eats. Lunch:  I've felt like my lunches have been lacking in the protein department lately, so I decided to mash up some chickpeas this morning with a little extra virgin OO, salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne pepper. 081201-l1 I spread about 1/4 of the mashed chickpeas into a whole wheat pita, and filled it up with leftover roasted veggies.  On the side, the last of the roasted veggies and mashed sweet potatoes.  I just finished lunch, and am really full after just 1/2 the pita and all of the extra veggies/sweet potatoes. We'll see if I'm hungry for the other 1/2 a bit later... 081201-l2 Snack:  My trusty Pink Lady apple.  And maybe a piece of maple banana corn bread too...  I brought about 1/2 the loaf into the office for my co-workers and it has been a BIG HIT so far, so we'll see if there is any left for me this afternoon... 081201-s1 I hope you all have a fabulous afternoon!
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oh the weather outside is frightful...


What a dreary, rainy day we had. Yuck. I made the best of it with a fabulous Vinyasa Yoga class, a little baking, some Christmas decorating and an awesome turkey noodle soup made by my dear hubby. All in all, it was a great way to end a lovely four day weekend. Breakfast: A cookie! (I know, slap my hand!!!) along with a banana and almond butter. 081130-b1 I had a quick snack before yoga because I was STARVING. Apparently cookies for breakfast aren't the most filling of choices. Lesson learned. Snack: Blueberry Clif ZBar. 081130-s1 Yoga was amazing as always, my muscles and joints felt all squishy afterwards.  Love it! Lunch:  Leftover roasted veggies, a handful of Kashi crackers and about 1 oz of aged gouda. 081130-l1 I caught up on some blogs, then decided it was time to finally make the maple banana cornbread recipe from Sweet and Natural.  I've been dying to try this!!! 081130-bread-3 081130-bread-4 081130-bread-2 Soooooooo good!  I had two slices for my afternoon "snack" while decorating our Christmas tree.  Both hubby and I were very impressed.  I think I overcooked it a bit, it didn't seem done at 30 minutes so I left it in for an extra 5 and it turned out a bit drier than I expected.  Totally my fault for not trusting the recipe.  :( But still so yummy...I can't wait to share it with the co-workers! Dinner:  Brian made turkey noodle soup with fresh stock made from our smoked Thanksgiving turkey carcass.  I can't even describe how good it was.  The stock was perfectly smokey, and he added the leftover turkey meat, celery, onion, carrot, potato, fresh sage and my favorite brown rice curly-cue pasta.  YUMMMMMM!!!!!!  I had this bowl, plus another about 1/2 its size.  And a small glass of wine. 081130-d1 081130-d2 After dinner we finished decorating the Christmas tree.  I <3 <3 <3 our tree.  A few years ago we decided to stop cutting down live trees 'cause we felt bad, and thought it was time to find ourselves a good artificial tree.  We thought "hey, if its fake...lets make it REALLY fake" and decided on a fabulous silver tree.  Very retro, and I adore it.  :) We have mostly white and silver ornaments (which we had long before the silver tree...just coincidence). 081130-xmas-1 081130-xmas-2 But we also have the obligatory ornaments that you collect from childhood.  You can learn a lot about young Andrea from these ornaments... 081130-xmas-3 Like...I played soccer.  I loved Winnie the Pooh.  I wanted to be a magician.  I played the saxophone.  I liked penguins.  I am a Florida Gator.  You get the idea... All Finished! 081130-xmas-4 And look, my hubby sneaked something under the tree!  Presents for moi!!!  :) 081130-xmas-5 Anyway, sorry for getting a bit off-subject.  But it does help to explain my current mood and why I am now craving an after-dinner snack of eggnog... What is your holiday must-have treat??? 
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cranberry walnut sandies - BSI!!!


Good morning! Sorry I missed a post last night...I was wrapped up in BSI baking and then two movies on the couch with my hubby. :) I'm very excited about this week's BSI ingredient chosen by Amy over at Coffee Talk...WALNUTS!!!  As you've probably noticed, all of my BSI entries thus far have involved baking.  I love to bake and realized that I wasn't doing enough of it so this has been a great way for me to get creative with making up my own recipes and experimenting in the kitchen.  Walnuts were a tough one for me this week because I really don't cook much with hubby HATES cooked nuts in baked goods.  Something about the texture.  So I never add walnuts to my banana bread or brownies because he won't eat them, which means I would be left with the whole batch to eat all by myself. A feat I am certainly capable of but which is not so helpful in my quest to eat healthier or lose weight. So this recipe comes from two points of inspiration...  1.  How do I incorporate walnuts into a baked good in a way in which Brian will eat the baked good?  2.  How can I incorporate some of our leftover Thanksgiving ingredients so that they don't go to waste (buttermilk and fresh cranberries)? The solution?  Cranberry Walnut Sandies!!! bsi-92 Whenever I have buttermilk in the fridge that is needing to be used I think of a wonderful scone recipe that a friend gave me a long time ago.  Her scones are wonderfully fluffy, unlike most dry, hard scones you find in stores.  I decided to start with her recipe, but to substitute the all-purpose flour for white whole wheat flour, and substitute some of the total amount of flour for some ground up walnuts.  I was hoping that the ground walnuts would give the scones a wal-nutty taste without the big chunks of baked nuts that my husband despises so much.  I added turbinado sugar in place of refined, and threw in the leftover fresh cranberries I had in the fridge. I was surprised when I got everything all mixed together and the result resembled cookie dough rather than scone or bread dough like I thought it would.  Because of this unexpected twist, the recipe quickly turned into a cookie recipe rather than a scone recipe.  Warning: this is not one of my healthier recipes...  :) Cranberry Walnut Sandies makes 18 cookies calories: 252  fat: 15.4g  sat. fat: 5.8g  carbs: 26g  fiber: 3g  sugar: 13.2g  protein: 4.8g Ingredients:
  • 3/4 cup buttermillk
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2-1/4 cups white whole wheat flour
  • 1-1/2 cups walnut halves and pieces
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 8 tbsp cold, unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 2/3 cup turbinado sugar
  • 1 cup whole fresh cranberries, chopped finely in processor
  • 4 oz baking chocolate, broken into small pieces
  1. Preheat oven to 375*.
  2. Spread walnut halves on ungreased baking sheet and place in oven to toast for about 10 minutes or until fragrant.  Stir once at about 5 minutes.
  3. Pull walnut halves from oven and grind to fine flour in food processor or blender.
  4. Mix WWW flour with ground walnuts, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.
  5. Add butter and cut in with a pastry blender or rub in with your fingers until the mixture resembles course bread crumbs.
  6. Add sugar, chopped cranberries and chocolate pieces.
  7. In separate bowl, mix together buttermilk, egg and extract until smooth. Pour wet mixture into dry mixture and fold together until well blended.
  8. Place golf ball sized drops of dough on greased cookie sheet.  Press each dough ball down to flatten slightly.
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
walnut "flour"
walnut flour chopped cranberries chopped cranberries chocolate chunks chocolate chunks pre-baking pre-baking I am so happy with the result, especially since I really wasn't sure what to expect.  The cookies came out perfectly crunchy on the outside and wonderfully moist on the inside.  The walnut flavor in the dough is fantastic...I was worried that it might be overpowering but it is not at all.   Because the cranberries are chopped so finely they add more of a sweetness to the cookie than a tartness.   And the ultimate test...Brian LOVED them!   bsi-81 bsi-101 bsi-11 I love the little red cranberry specs in them.  I will definitely be making these again...probably as a holiday cookie this Christmas.  I'd like to try them out as smaller, bite-size drop cookies to increase their crunch a bit. A quick dinner recap for last night... Dinner:  Leftovers!!!  (thankfully the last of them) along with a new batch of roasted veggies.  We had none leftover after Thanksgiving!!!  But luckily we hadn't roasted all the veggies we had in the fridge, so I was able to do another batch of them last night. 081129-d3
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • parsnips
  • beats
  • tomatoes
  • garlic
  • mashed sweet potatoes
  • mashed russet potatoes and celery root
  • stuffing
  • cornbread pudding
  • veggies
081129-d4 And two glasses of wine, one while cooking/eating and one while movie watching. 081129-d1 And, 1/2 a cookie for dessert.  Bri took the other 1/2... bsi-123 Busy day ahead... Christmas decorating (didn't get to it last night what with all the movie watching...), yoga!!!, more baking, cooking a few things to get a head start on the week, maybe spin....  I'll report back later! Enjoy your Sunday!
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training week #5 + groceries


Happy Saturday!  I hope that everybody is enjoying their post-Thanksgiving weekend with family, friends, relaxation etc.   Brian and I started the morning right with a run with the 10-Miler training group.  We ran 2 full miles on the track (boring!!!) but it went really well and felt great.  This morning was especially important for me because I was trying out a loaner pair of shoes that my running coach gave me out of his shop to see if they would help to correct the foot pain I've been experiencing.  Verdict is....success!!!  I ran the full 2 miles pain-free.  YAY!!!!  He says that I have a very unusual foot and that this is their least-selling shoe because it combines the soft, cushioned sole with added support for pronation.  They are still Brooks, which I've been running in off and on for about 9 months, just a different style.  I love them so far...aren't they pretty?!?!?  Not that that is the point... shoesies Breakfast:  I had 1/2 a banana before my run, then came home for a bowl of oats.  This yummy bowl contained
  • 1 cup prepared rolled oats
  • 1 apple sprinkled with 1 tsp turbinado sugar and a dash of cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tsp ground flax seeds
  • sprinkling of pom seeds
081129-b1 I spent some time catching up on blogs this morning, then made our grocery list for the week.  I took a thorough inventory of the fridge, pantry and freezer and was able to keep the trip pretty light.  But first, we stopped at the running shop so I could buy my shoes.  I also picked up a wind/rain breaker from the sale rack and a pair of gloves.  Anything to keep me motivated to run through the winter... shoesies-3 Its not really day-glow pink...more of a bright raspberry.  I figure I won't be missed when running on the road!  Brian also got a new pair of shoes, and since we spent so much money (eek!!!) I got a free t-shirt (yeah!). shoesies-2 After that spending spree we stopped at Hot Cakes for lunch.  They have an awesome selection of salads, sandwiches, soups, quiches, lasagnas etc.  I selected the Salad Sampler which had
  • Spicy Lentil Salad (sooooooooooo good, has me craving lentils now)
  • Tomato/Onion/Feta Salad
  • Roasted Cauliflower w/ Dried Cherries and Capers (such an unusual combo but really tasty!)
I skipped the piece of bread that came with it. 081129-l1 Next was Whole Foods.  I was shooting for $50, but was thrown off after my amazing lentil salad from lunch (I just had to buy bulk lentils to try and replicate it), a sale on Amy's soups (who can resist?) and a persimmon!  So the total wound up at $63, which is still good for us considering we typically spend at least twice that (scary...I know).  I paid for detergent and dish soap separately to help us to get an idea of our actual food cost for December.  We're trying to cut our grocery shopping in 1/2...   Here's our loot: groceries-12
  • brown rice pasta
  • corn meal
  • walnuts (BSI!!!)
  • dried lentils
  • bars!!!  (we're taking full advantage of the coupons in the Whole Deal and stocking up every week)
  • canned beans
  • enchilada sauce
  • Amy's Soups (in hearty bean flavors for added protein for me)
  • organic Stonyfield French Vanilla yogurt (no Oikos for me this week...)
  • eggs
  • bell peppers
  • carrots
  • spinach
  • potatoes
  • bananas
  • sweet potatoes
  • persimmon
I also picked up these flavors of Clif Nectar bars yesterday when we were shopping at our local sporting goods store...they don't carry these at our Whole Foods so I had to get a few. groceries-22 After getting home, unloading and photographing groceries I was ready for a snack.  I decided to try out the infamous PB-filled medjool date for the first time. 081129-s1 FANTASTIC!!!  Now I know what you all have been raving about!!!  I also had a couple of tortilla chips with some salsa that Brian was munching on... Now we are going to spend the evening decorating our Christmas tree while I bake up a few treats in the kitchen!!!  I should have a BSI post tonight or tomorrow morning, and I'm going to try another of Sweet + Natural's recipes!  Woohoo!!!
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nana's apple crisp


This is one of Brian's all-time favorite desserts, made for him by his grandmother whenever we see her.  A few year's ago, Nana gave Brian a book of all of his favorite recipes of hers so that we can make them whenever we want.  This one is requested every fall... I made a couple of minor adjustments (turbinado in place of refined sugar, butter in place of oleo, WW pastry flour in place of white) but for the most part stuck with the original recipe.  I'd love to figure out a good substitution for the butter/oleo in the topping to make it a bit healthier, so if anybody has any suggestions please let me know! a9 Nana's Apple Crisp (with a few Bella Eats modifications...): Ingredients: Apples
  • 14 medium, tart apples
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup turbinado sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1-1/2 cups turbinado sugar
  • 1-1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup melted butter
  1. Preheat oven to 375*.
  2. Peel, core and slice apples.  Sprinkle with lemon juice and toss.  Combine 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over apples, toss to coat.
  3. In separate bowl combine all crisp ingredients.
  4. Stir apple mixture and pour into ungreased 9x13 pan.  Spread topping mixture over top and "pat down".
  5. Reduce oven heat to 350* and bake for 45 minutes.
a1 a2 a32 a4 a5 a61 a8
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turkey day review


I hope everybody had a simply fabulous Thanksgiving!  Ours was full of amazing company, fantastic food, lots of wine and tons of laughter.  We had a fabulous time hosting and are so grateful for our wonderful friends who helped us to have an amazing day.   I started the morning with a 3-1/2 mile run/walk with Lucy to try and get the energy out of her in preparation for our company.  She has a tendency to get pretty hyper when we have people over, so I wanted her to be as mellow as possible.  We ran about 1-3/4 miles of the total distance, which was great for both of us.  I haven't run much with her, especially since her surgeries this summer, so it took awhile to get our pace right but then she was a champ. When we got back I had a big bowl of cereal with 1/2 cup Kashi H2H, 1/2 cup Back to Nature Maple Nut Medley, 1 banana, sprinkle of pom seeds and 1 cup Silk soymilk. 081127-b1 Then, I jumped in to help Brian prep our big T-Day dinner!  In this case, I feel that pictures are definitely worth more than words, so here's a recap of our day... Morning Preparation dinner rolls b22 b31 b41 nana's apple crisp (recipe coming soon!) a33 a62 veggies to roast v11 country bread and sage dressing s31 s21 s41 turkey!!! t21 t31 Our guests arrived while the turkey was smoking and the veggies were roasting. We worked on munchies for a couple of hours... Munchies white sangria with mango and star fruit m22 cheese, fig spread, crackers, olives, etc. m11 And finally, the feast!!! feast11 feast21 feast31 Our guests with Brian... feast41 Our guests with me... feast51 Such an amazing day we had!!!  I haven't had a chance to read all of your Thanksgiving posts...but I can't wait!  I'm hoping to play catch-up tonight and this weekend.   Ok, quick recap of today's eats. Breakfast:  We got up this morning to shop, luckily the stores we wanted to go to didn't open 'till 8am anyway so we were able to sleep 'till 7:30.  I grabbed 1/2 a Clif Mojo PB Pretzel bar and a banana to chow on in the car ( pics).  After shopping for a few hours and finding some incredible deals, we went to Bodo's Bagels for a real breakfast.  I had eggbeaters, muenster and tomato on a whole wheat everything bagel. 081128-b21 I also went to the running shop this morning to report my test runs to my coach.  I'm still having some foot and knee pain with the inserts we put in my shoes so he actually gave me a pair of shoes out of the store to try out with the training group tomorrow, no charge!!!  He says if they work I can come back in and pay for them tomorrow, and if they don't we will try something different.  How great is that?!?!?  Late lunch/dinner:  Leftovers!!!  I decided I'm not counting my calories for yesterday or today, its just too hard and I'll get back on track tomorrow.  No biggie.  We munched on some cheese and crackers and fig spread while our t-day eats heated in the oven.  Not all of this though, don't worry!!!  :) 081128-l11 081128-l21 My leftovers plate. 081128-l61 One of my lovely dinner rolls. 081128-l51 And a winterbock from Star Hill, a local brewery. 081128-l41 Turns out I wasn't as hungry as I thought. Here's what was left when I was totally stuffed. 081128-l71 But an hour later I was ready for apple crisp... a101 Whew!!! That was quite the recap. I hope that everybody has a lovely Friday night...we are laying low and recovering from yesterday's festivities. Stay tuned for Nana's Apple Crisp recipe!
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1 day to go...


Its the day before Thanksgiving!!!!!  Are you all as excited as I am?!?!  With only one work day between me and some amazing smoked turkey, I think its time for a bit of reflection about what we have to be thankful for... Its a bit of a long story, but I promise to get to a point. Last night I had a great chat with my momma.  We’re going to be apart for Thanksgiving this year, which is hard for both of us, so we were chatting about plans, menus, family etc.  I was telling her about the blogging community and how impressed I am with all of you that are participating in the Thanksgiving Challenge.  My mom and stepdad are big foodies, so they completely understand big grocery bills and mine and Brian’s unwillingness to compromise on the kinds of food that we eat.  We don’t want to compromise, but we still feel guilty about how much money we spend.  This year, my parents decided to help somebody less fortunate than all of us to have a happy Thanksgiving. My grandfather is living in a nursing facility near my parents’ home.  My mom is so grateful to the nursing staff for everything they have done for him, and she and my stepdad decided that this year they wanted to do something to give back.  She talked to the director to find out if there was anybody working at the center that was having a hard time and could maybe use a bit of help this year.  The director called her back with the name of an 18 year old woman working in the kitchen at the center for $7.50/hour.  The woman’s mother recently had a stroke and was unable to work, and her father had recently lost his job in this economic downturn.  At 18 years old, making $7.50/hour, this young woman is the only provider for she, her mother and her father.  My mom went to Publix and got a gift certificate large enough to cover everything the young woman would need to provide Thanksgiving dinner to her family.  When the director presented the young woman with the gift, she burst into tears and said “Now we can have a Thanksgiving.  The only food we have in the house is peanut butter”. After hearing this story I was reminded again of how generous and thoughtful my mother is and how lucky I am to have her as an influence in my life.  It really got me thinking about how we can make small sacrifices in our own lives and make a huge difference in someone else’s.  For me, the ultimate show of thanks is to be able to help someone less fortunate than yourself.  Brian and I are scheming about ways to do just that in December, so stay tuned... On to training: During my lunch hour yesterday I went to the running shop to talk to my 10-miler training program coach.  He is amazing, and took about 45 minutes out of his very busy day to talk with me about the issues I am having with my left foot and right knee.  He examined my shoes, took the insoles out of the shoes and examined them, examined the calluses on my feet (ew!) and had me test out several pairs of new shoes.  Because my current shoes only have about 150 miles on them and are still in good shape, he decided to have me try some inserts in them to help determine whether or not I needed more or less support in my shoe.  He wanted me to go for a test run and come back to the shop on Friday to report in.  So, after work Brian and I drove over to UVA campus to go for a run.  I love running around campus, its so pretty and well-lit and active, and the terrain is perfect.  We did almost 2 miles, and it felt fantastic!!!  My foot did hurt a bit and I made a bunch of mental notes to talk to my coach about, but other than the foot everything was great.  It was one of those fabulous runs where everything seems to click and you feel smooth and strong and like you could keep going for miles.  I loved it.   On to food: Dinner:  Brian made veggie chili!!!  Oh how I love chili. 081125-d11 He used:
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 5 carrots
  • 5 celery stalks
  • 1 onion
  • 1 can cannellini beans
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 2 cans diced tomatoes
And his special chili seasoning (we make it all at once, and use about 1/2 per pot of chili.  the rest is stored in an airtight container in our spice cabinet).
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dried minced onion
  • 1 tablespoon dried, minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoons white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
We served it over brown rice curly-cue pasta.  There are many things in life that make me happy, and curly-cue pasta is definitely one of them. 081125-d2 Dessert:  One beautiful medjool date.  Yum. 081125-d3 Breakfast Today:  Oikos vanilla yogurt with fresh raspberries.  This was my first time trying the vanilla, I like that its not too sweet.  Honey is still my fave though.  I also had a slice of pumpkin cranberry bread with almond butter. 081126-b1 Lunch Today:  Trying to make room in the fridge, although this didn’t help too much.  I made a salad with broccoli slaw, cucumber, orange bell pepper and the last of my roasted red pepper hummus, about 4 tbsp.  I’m also going to heat up some Amy’s Vegetable Soup...I was bummed I didn’t have any bean soups for some protein.  :( 081126-l1 081126-l2 Snack Today:  Another piece of pumpkin cranberry bread with almond butter.  I’m pleased to announce that this bread is still wonderfully moist and yummy 4 days later! 081126-s1 Turkey Day Peek!!! I braved Whole Foods yesterday on my lunch hour (or lunch 2.5 hours as it wound up being...) to pick up the fresh ingredients we need for our meal.  On the menu...Roasted Veggies!!!  I love roasted veggies, can't get enough of them.  This is always the dish that Brian and I offer to make at holidays because it ensures that there will be plenty of veggies on our plates.  This year we will have
  • beets
  • brussels sprouts
  • carrots
  • onions
  • asparagus
  • broccoli
  • parsnips
  • grape tomatoes
turkey-day-veggies I can't wait.  What are you all making for Thanksgiving this year? Happy Wednesday!
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Hello again Bloggies!!!  My dear hubby emailed me this link this morning, which gives a great review of the new website. is an evolutionary cooking and recipe database created by Will Schwalbe and Katie Workman.  The recipes all come from fabulous chefs and cookbook authors, most of them never published online before!  The site features a "chef/author of the day" and a "recipe of the day", along with a powerful search engine that sorts through thousands of recipes to find exactly what you are looking for using a variety of search methods.  It is a beautiful site with gorgeous photography...definitely inspirational!!! And, who can argue with this?

Our Food Values

We believe that real food is for everyone, and that good home cooking is within everyone’s reach. We are attracted to quality recipes that rely on wholesome food. And we believe that people can make a difference simply by being responsible and resourceful consumers. Oh man, this could be a distraction....
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2 days to go...


Good Morning!  Another busy day ahead...I panicked yesterday when I realized that when I get back from Thanksgiving "break" (I have both Thursday and Friday off...woohoo!) it would be December 1st!  My goodness, where did November go?!?  I have a big coordination meeting for my biggest project in the office on December 9th, which doesn't leave me much time to accomplish the thousands of things that need to get done.  So, I'm trying to cram as much in as I can before leaving Wednesday evening... I'm using my lunch break today to run errands, first to the running shop for new shoes (!!!), then to the vet to get dog food, and finally to Whole Foods to try and beat the after-work Thanksgiving shopping crowd. On to food... Breakfast: Bowl of Oats!  So good, this morning I mixed 1 cup prepared rolled oats, 1 banana all mushed up, 1 tbsp ground flax seeds, 1 tbsp almond butter and 1/4 cup pom seeds.  This was the first time for me to add nut butter to my oats and my goodness, I have been missing out!!!  It was a little higher in calories than I like for breakfast, but I ate about an hour earlier than normal and I'm still totally full three hours later...yay!   081125-b1 Lunch:  Another whole wheat pita stuffed with 2 tbsp roasted red pepper hummus, broccoli slaw and cucumber slices, along with my leftover tomato saffron soup. 081125-l1 081125-l2 Snack:  Since lunch is a little light in the protein area I decided on a honey Oikos with a pink lady. 081125-s1 I hope everybody has a fabulous day!  Wish me luck with my foot/shoes...hopefully I'll have new shoes to try out on my run tonight and a pain-free foot!  :)
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quickity quick recap


I'm so sad that I missed my morning Blog post!  :(  My day started with a faulty alarm which resulted in me getting up 45 minutes later than I was supposed to.  Brian had custody of the camera (and thus the memory card) for a site visit this morning so I wasn't able to download my pics until afternoon, and by then I was completely swamped at work.  So, my apologies.  I'll give a quick recap because, again, I have lots of T-Day prep to do tonight! Breakfast: Oikos plain yogurt with fresh raspberries, slice of pumpkin cranberry bread with almond butter. Look familiar?!?! 081124-b1 081124-b21 Lunch: Whole wheat pita stuffed with 2 tbsp roasted red pepper hummus, broccoli slaw and cucumber slices, and an Amy's Lentil Soup. 081124-l1 Snacks:  Pink Lady apple and 1/2 a Clif Mojo PB Pretzel bar. 081106-s11 081118-s13 081124-s2 Dinner: Baked sweet potato with edamame, corn and broccoli (and 1/2 tbsp earth balance buttery spread). 081124-d1 Exercise:  There was none.  Today was a run day but I didn't have a chance to go to the running shop on my lunch break and I really didn't want to risk hurting my foot anymore.  Tomorrow the running shop is my priority and hopefully I will be on the road tomorrow night!  So, running around like a crazy woman doing chores and helping B with projects for a few hours will have to count... Turkey Day Peek!!! Last year Brian found this amazing stuffing recipe on, Country Bread and Sage Dressing. It was so incredible, I wish I had pictures but amazingly enough I don't.  Luckily, we've decided to recreate the magic and serve it at T-Day, stay tuned!  My favorite part is that it has hot Italian sausage in it, which adds a wonderful spicy flavor.  We are using our favorite sausage ever from Babes in the Wood, which I've written about before so I won't bore you again with their cool sustainable and humane methods.   Ok, sorry that was short and not nearly as exciting as last night's peek... Have a great night!
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saffron tomato soup and gourmet "grilled cheese"


First of all, congrats to all of the BSI "winners"!!!!  And of course, the big winner, my cousin Meghann with her Pumpkin Pecan Crusted Chicken!!!  WooHoo!  Thank you Lindsay for a great BSI week, what a tough decision you had to make!  All of the recipes looked amazing! So a quick note, in the name of accountability (the whole reason I started this blog in the first place!).  I forgot to mention this morning that I had a piece of bacon with my breakfast.  Eek!  Gasp!  I know, naughty. But soooooooo good.  Who could resist when Brian brought this plate to our breakfast table for his own morning meal?!?!? 081123-b4 Anyway, after posting my BSI recipe this morning I dashed off to a 75 minute vinyasa yoga class.  It was amazing.  One of the best classes I've been to in the last month, taught of course by my favorite instructor Hilary.  She is fantastic.  I got such a great total-body strength workout...I could feel my abs screaming at me an hour afterwards and know I'm going to be sore tomorrow...whippee!!!  :)  BTW, does anybody know of any good yoga reads?  I really want to learn more about the philosophies so that I can take more from my practice...any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Lunch was leftovers from dinner last night, Dal Saag and Vegetable Masala on some white rice.  Yummy! 081123-l1 I had lots of cleaning and errand running to do this afternoon in prep for Thanksgiving.  There is still so much to do!!!  Poor Brian, he's been working his booty off to finish projects around the house... For dinner I made one of our favorite recipes, Saffron Tomato Fennel Soup.  I found it in my Self Magazine 3-1/2 years ago and we've made it many times since, it is SO GOOD!   ingredients ingredients saffron threads saffron threads saffron tomato fennel soup saffron tomato fennel soup The best partner for tomato soup is of course grilled cheese, so I decided to try a very slightly healthier version.  Instead of pan-frying the sandwiches in butter on the stove top, I decided to bake them at 400* on our pizza stone in the oven.   Brian picked up this beautiful loaf of rustic white whole wheat bread. 081123-d3 I sliced it thin and put the slices in the oven for about 8 minutes (on a low oven rack), flipping the slices after 4 minutes.  Once the bread was slightly crispy, I rubbed a garlic clove across both sides of each slice. This gives the bread a wonderful garlicky flavor. 081123-d5 I roasted some red bell pepper slices for about 20 minutes at 400*. 081123-d4 Then assembled my little sandwiches with some Taleggio ca d'Ambros cheese...basically a nutty brie.  Yes ladies, this is real, full-fat cheese.  I'm sorry, but I can't compromise with my cheese.  I. love. my. cheese. Luckily the sandwiches were small and I only had one.  And, I added veggies.  That counts for something, right? 081123-d6 081123-d81 081123-d9 And a glass of white wine (because I had to open it for the recipe!), plus about 1/2 this while cooking... 081123-d10 And now.... Turkey Day Peek!!! I haven't had any time to elaborate on what we're doing this year because we have been so busy getting ready for guests (and I've been BSI-ing...).  Brian and I are hosting Thanksgiving for a group of our friends who live far from family (like us!) and weren't able to get home this year (like us!).  We love to cook, and have the experience of hosting one Thanksgiving last year for all of our parents.  This year, we are providing the turkey, stuffing, mashed 'taters, roasted veggies and homemade dinner rolls.  We've asked our friends to each bring a side dish or two, along with a bottle of wine.  Which means LOTS of food and LOTS of wine...!!!  I'm super-excited, and have so many things that I want to share but I still have such a long list of chores to accomplish tonight and its already after 10:30!!!  :(  I'll give one little hint though...we smoke our turkey for most of the day, after brining it in a special Alton Brown brine all night, on our Big Green Egg.  Ever heard of a Big Green Egg before?  You can read more about it here, but basically it is "Derived from an ancient clay cooker called a "kamado"...The EGG is the most unique barbecue product on the market, with unmatched flexibility and capabilities that surpass all other conventional cookers combined. It is a smoker, a grill and an oven and you can cook literally any food on it year around, from appetizers to entrees to desserts."  In laymen's terms...its freakin' awesome.  Here are pictures from last year, when Bri and his dad cooked our Thanksgiving 2007 turkey on it: img_0477 img_0480 Sooooo good...I'm drooling right now in anticipation.  That's it for T-Day peeks for now, I hope to add something each day until Thursday! Alright, on to chores.  Have a great night!!!
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pumpkin cranberry bread - BSI!!!


First of all, thank you all for being so supportive!  You are all so great, I really appreciate your kind thoughts and suggestions for ways to work with phyllo dough!  I meant to post a question asking if anyone had any suggestions, but I was so tired last night when I posted that I completely forgot.  Thanks for offering some up anyway!  :)  I guess I no longer see it as a complete disaster because I still like the original concept, I just need to execute it in a better way.  The flavors were great together, so I'm not ready to give up on it yet!  Now, just to be clear, I didn't rush on to do a second BSI just because my first failed.  I would have just submitted the first but I've been wanting to try and "healthify" a classic favorite of mine and Brian's for awhile now and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  Thank you Lindsay for choosing pumpkin!!! I give you... Pumpkin Cranberry Bread!!! bsib-11 This has been a favorite in our household for a few years now.  As soon as the leaves start to change and the air cools down I am ready for this bread.  It has become a classic fall recipe for me and, until last night, has been listed under my "dessert" recipe folder rather than "breakfast" or "bread" because of its high sugar and fat content.  I've been inspired by the recipes on sweet + natural, and have really wanted to try and "healthify" this classic favorite of mine for awhile now. I replaced all of the sugar in the original recipe with a combination of Fruit Sweet and applesauce.  Fruit Sweet (FS) is an all-natural sweetener made from concentrated pear and pineapple juices.  The ratio I use (recommended by the company, Wax Orchards) is to substitute 2/3 FS for the amount of sugar in the recipe.  They recommend to reduce all other liquids by 1/3 the amount of FS used.  bsib-5 I removed all added fat from the recipe, turning 4 eggs into 4 egg whites and completely eliminating the vegetable oil required, figuring the added liquid from the FS and the applesauce would keep the bread moist enough.  I also replaced the all-purpose flour with white whole wheat flour (WWWF). The result?  I think these numbers speak for themselves... Original (per one slice of bread) calories: 253  total fat: 5.6g  sat fat: .6g  carbs: 48.5g  fiber: 1.6g  sugar: 30.9g  protein: 3.8g "Healthified" (per one slice of bread) calories: 116  total fat: .4g  sat fat: 0g  carbs: 25.7g  fiber: 3.5g  sugar: 10.1g  protein: 3.6g bsib-9 Pumpkin Cranberry Bread NOTE:  this recipe is for 2 loaves of bread Ingredients:
  • 2 cups pureed pumpkin
  • 3/4 cup applesauce
  • 1-1/4 cups Fruit Sweet
  • 4 egg whites
  • 4 cups WWWF (I think this should be reduced to 3-3.5 cups, the dough was a bit too dry)
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 cups fresh cranberries, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 350*.  Grease two standard-size loaf pans.
  2. Blend together the pumpkin, applesauce, Fruit Sweet and egg whites.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour and spices.
  4. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry and fold together until blended.  Do not overmix!
  5. Chop cranberries and fold them into the dough.
  6. Pour dough into loaf pans and bake at 350* for 45-50 minutes.
  7. Remove from oven and let cool in pans for 10 minutes before releasing.  Cool on rack out of pans for 20 minutes before slicing.
bsib-1 bsib-2 bsib-3 bsib-6 bsib-8 bsib-10 I am beyond pleased with the result.  The bread is sooooo good, and so much better for you than the original!!!  Its not too sweet, and the cranberries add a wonderful tartness.  Brian also loved the flavor, but we both felt like the bread is a bit too dense.  The flour amount in the recipe is pretty high, so I think I will try reducing it to 3-3.5 cups next time I make it.  Does anybody know if whole wheat pastry flour might be fluffier than WWWF? For breakfast this morning I had two pieces of my new bread smeared with almond butter.  Yummy combo! 081123-b2 Paired with a cup of plain Oikos topped with fresh raspberries and sliced almonds. 081123-b3 081123-b1 And now I am off to yoga!  I'm sorry I haven't commented on blogs in the last day or so...I promise I've been reading!!!  Its been a whirlwind of activity around here getting ready for our Turkey Day guests, so I've been struggling just to get my posts uploaded.  I'm hoping to have some catch-up time tonight! Enjoy your Sunday!!!  I can't wait to see all of the BSI entries tonight!  :)
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BSI disaster + groceries


Thank you ladies for your kind thoughts regarding my BSI and your faith in me in the kitchen!  I hope I don't disappoint you but, BSI pumpkin attempt #1 was definitely a disaster.  However, my goal for myself with these BSI entries is to try something new for me, which I did, and I feel like I learned something, which is good.  So that is why I am still going to share the recipe + experience with you all (but Lindsay, please don't submit it!  I have another recipe that I am going to post in the morning...).  So, here goes. bsia-5 Pumpkin Creme "Disasters" Ingredients: Pumpkin Cream
  • 8 oz of 1/3 less fat cream cheese
  • 1 cup pureed pumpkin
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • pinch of ground cloves
  • 1 roll of frozen phyllo dough, thawed
  • 2 apples, cored and sliced thinly
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp turbinado sugar
  1. Combine all pumpkin cream ingredients together.
  2. Combine apples with cinnamon and turbinado sugar in separate bowl.
  3. (this step has many modifications as evidenced by the photo above, but this is what seemed to work best...) Unroll phyllo dough.  Take two sheets and lay them on cutting board.  Cut in 1/2 down the length of the sheets.  Spread pumpkin cream across one of the strips of dough.  Pile a couple of spoonfuls of apple mixture at one end, and roll phyllo dough to form a little packet.
  4. Place packets on greased cookie sheet.  Brush with egg white (I used butter, which was not good.  I think an egg white would be better.) and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  5. Bake at 375* for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
pumpkin cream pumpkin cream cinnamon apples cinnamon apples  bsia-4 bsia-51 They all look different because I was having a lot of trouble with the phyllo dough and was trying different methods of wrapping/rolling.  I realized that what I really needed was puff pastry (lesson #1) and that phyllo dough doesn't work well with more liquid fillings because it gets soggy and the filling seeps through (lesson #2).  I was pretty bummed because the flavor was good, the form however was not.  This photo pretty much sums it up... bsia-6 Oh well.  I'm over it now and have moved on to a new BSI recipe which I will post tomorrow.  It satisfies another goal of mine, the "healthify classic favorites" challenge I set up for myself last weekend, so I'm pretty excited about it.   On to the food diary. Dinner: Brian and I met a friend at our favorite Indian cuisine restaurant in town, Maharaja (sorry, no website).  I LOVE Indian food.  This restaurant gets me so excited because I know I am always going to have a great meal there with plenty of leftovers for the next day.  Our meal tonight definitely brought the food dance out of me (reserved only for stellar eating experiences.)  Sadly, the pictures are pretty awful (iphone + dark restaurant = grainy photos).  I'll have better ones tomorrow when I eat my leftovers for lunch. I had the Dal Saag (lentils and spinach in a cream-based sauce) and Vegetable Masala (veggies and chickpeas in a spicy tomato sauce) along with 2 pieces of naan (nobody can resist the naan!) and some white rice. 081122-d1 I had double what you see on my plate below, about 1/2 the total entree you see in the picture above. 081122-d2 And 1/2 this glass of wine.  Brian finished the rest for me... 081122-d31 We went to Whole Foods afterwards, nice and full so we didn't buy the whole store.  We did manage to spend a stupid amount of money per usual...  It really got me thinking about all of you bloggies that are participating in the Thanksgiving Challenge.  I am SO IMPRESSED with all of you and can't wait to see your final numbers.  When we got home I looked through our freezer and pantry and realized that we have A LOT of food.  I am hoping to next month adopt a similar challenge for Brian and I, even if just to cut our grocery bill in 1/2 for the month.  It seems like great timing to clean out the fridge, freezer and pantry before going home to Florida for Christmas, and the perfect time of year to be saving money and giving thanks for what we have. Here's our loot for the trip.  We decided to do a separate Thanksgiving trip on Tuesday (hello crowds!!!) to get the veggies and other miscellaneous items we need for the big dinner. groceries-11
  • whole wheat bread for bri's lunches
  • whole wheat pizza dough (should be in the newbies)
  • coffee
  • clif mojo and clif z-bars (we got clif builders for Brian b/c he LOVES them)
  • fancy cheese for fancy grilled cheese sandwiches one night
  • eggs
  • soymilk
  • oikos
  • maple syrup
  • tuna
  • canned beans for chili
  • canned tomatoes for tomato soup
  • pasta sauce
  • vino
  • bell peppers
  • onions
  • garlic
  • pears
  • fennel 
  • bananas
  • raspberries (not in season here, but 2 for 1...can't resist that!!!)
  • frozen berries
  • celery
The newbies!!! groceries-31
  • whole wheat pizza dough
  • cinnamon roll Larabar! (still no pb cookie or coconut!!!)
  • dates!!!
  • adriatic fig spread!!!
  • new tea - honey vanilla chamomile for night time and nutcracker sweet for work
I'm sipping on the honey vanilla chamomile right now and it is yummy!  It also means that I'm about ready for bed...chamomile is the perfect evening relaxer for me.  I will post my official BSI entry in the morning, along with some preliminary Thanksgiving plans!  I can't wait to hear what you all are doing for Thanksgiving!   G'night!  :)
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training week #4 and quick recap


Ok, sorry this will be quick.  I think I have a BSI disaster happening in my oven right now and Brian is pacing the house ready for our Saturday night dinner and grocery shopping date. Training: B and I skipped the group run this morning because it was only 23* when my alarm went of at 7:30. Instead we slept in a little (lovely!) and had a leisurely breakfast, nap and snack before finally going for our run at 1:30.  It was a balmy 35* by least the sun was shining brightly.  We did 1/4 mile warm-up, 1-3/4 mile run and 1/4 mile cool-down.  My legs felt great and I wasn't too winded despite the fact that the route we took was hillier than what we've been running.  However, my tendonitis in my left foot started to flare again.  :(  And, because my foot hurt I could feel myself compensating for it and by the end of the run my right knee was sore.  Bad news.  So, I'm going to the running shop on Monday to chat with my coach and probably get a new pair of shoes.  I'm determined to nip this from the beginning so that I don't screw up my training again. Food: After our run I made a lovely breakfast for Brian and I of Apple Cinnamon Oats w/ Dried Cherries.  Yum! Never tried this combo before and I was quite pleased with it, as was Brian. 081122-b2 081122-b3 One serving contained
  • 1 cup prepared rolled oats
  • 1/2 chopped apple sprinkled with cinnamon
  • 2 heaping tbsp unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup dried cherries
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds
  • 1 tsp turbinado sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
After breakfast I blogged for awhile, then took a lovely 90 minute nap after I walked in the bedroom and saw this... 081122-nap Just too comfy to resist!!!  You can barely see Lucy because she's so dark...look behind Brian's back... After our nap I had a Z-bar before our run... 081122-s1 Then came home and heated up some leftover veggie stir fry and jasmine rice for lunch. 081122-l1 With a Wallaby non-fat mango lime yogurt on the side. 081122-l2 These yogurts have more sugar in them than I like, but they have great flavors.  And, I'm out of Oikos.  :( And now I am waiting for my BSI disaster to come out of the oven.   No high hopes for a win this week, folks!  I'll post about it after our dinner and grocery date... Cheers!
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photo failure


Today was not the best photo day for me.  I relied on my iphone a bit too much, but I did snag this shot of our Friday afternoon snacks at the office while my boss was away from the table.   081121-s3 I had 6 crackers and probably 1-1.5 oz of yummy smoked gouda.  And a small glass of wine.  Look at that knife!!!  Haha, we really need to work on our tools for these little events.  :)  I didn't eat my Clif Nectar for a snack because I was anticipating the wine/cheese Friday tradition.  However, in hindsight the bar might not have been a bad idea because I wouldn't have been tempted to eat quite as many crackers...  Oh well.  It was tasty!  :) When we got home we had a package waiting on our doorstep.  If any of you have younger siblings you will be familiar with this scenario.  A month or so ago we got an email from Brian's mom explaining that Bri's little bro was having a fundraiser at school.  We had a catalog of things to choose from, and wound up ordering some wrapping paper and these little beauties. 081121-s2 Considering that we paid $15 for 10 little 1" x 1" toffee squares I couldn't resist eating one of them, but I'm happy to let Brian finish off the box cause they are calorie heavy. And now for the real photo tragedy.  I was so rushed taking my dinner pictures that I didn't realize that my memory card was not in my camera.  :(  So sad.  I'll tell you about dinner, but you'll have to picture its loveliness in your head. Dinner:  Chicken tenders a la coffee talk with sauteed garlicky collard greens and roasted parmesan cauliflower.  The tenders were good, I did half the batch with honey mustard dressing and the other half with bbq sauce.  I baked the tenders for about 20 minutes, smeared them with sauce, then broiled them for about 3 minutes on each side.  Watch closely though, every oven's different and they could burn quickly! The collards were great as me some greens.  And the cauliflower was okay.  Brian really liked it, but I thought maybe I put a bit too much parmesan on it, it was a little rich for me.  I only ate about a 1/2 cup. I realized my camera mistake by the time I fished some dessert out of the fridge: Kozy Shack rice pudding with frozen blueberries again.  This was the one photo I could have done without since it looks exactly like last night's dessert!   081121-d1 Tomorrow is a big day!
  1. I am making our grocery list for Thanksgiving!!!  We're going to pick up the non-veggies tomorrow during our normal grocery shopping trip, then pick up the veggies Tuesday or Wednesday.  I am so excited for Thanksgiving, I'll give details tomorrow of our plans. 
  2. I figured out my BSI recipe tonight!  I'm going to try it out tomorrow, but I need to pick up a couple of things at the store...
  3. Week #4 of the training program!  Saturday is long run day...our long run is up to 1.75 miles, we're slowly creeping up there!  Because it is going to be so cold tomorrow at 8am when the group meets, Brian and I decided to wait and go on our own at noon.  It will be a balmy 37* then so I'm sure we'll be out on the road in shorts and tank tops.... Kidding.  :)
Do any of you have big weekend plans?
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freezing friday


Well, so much for the beautiful weather.  I think it has snowed 3 separate times since my post this morning! Just flurries, nothing stuck.  And the wind is whipping so hard that its coming through cracks around my office windows.  My hands are completely frozen and I have the heat set at 76*!  :(  Brian and I braved the cold to walk down the pedestrian mall for a lunch date. Lunch:  We went to one of my favorite restaurants in downtown C'ville, Bizou.  Here is what Food & Wine had to say about my little favorite in May 2004:  "This downtown diner gets packed at lunchtime with University of Virginia faculty. The retro interior features red-leather booths and vintage movie posters. There's roasted chicken and grilled rib eye, but Bizou's specialty is its succulent homemade meat loaf with chipotle ketchup (119 W. Main St.; 434-977-1818)."  Their gourmet down-home cooking is to-die-for, especially on blustery days like today.  They have my favorite summer meal, a golden beet salad with fresh chevre and their house-made honey mustard dressing.  It is SO good.  I was surprised that it was still on the menu today, but I was craving something warm and filling so I got their veggie burrito instead. I'm sorry about the picture quality, I only had my iphone and the restaurant is pretty dark inside. 081121-l1 No cheese or sour cream inside, just wonderful sauteed greens and veggies.  I found lots of spinach, brussels sprout leaves, onions, carrots, corn and diced tomato inside.  And I asked for the creme fraiche on the side...normally they drizzle it all over the top.  The burrito is so good though that I think I only drizzled the spicy, creamy sauce on two bites. 081121-l2 I finished everything on my plate.  Yum. For an afternoon snack I have a Clif Nectar bar, but we typically have wine and cheese in my office on Friday afternoons so I may hold off on snacking on the bar until I know if we're doing that today. 081121-s1 Have a great afternoon!
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fabulous friday


Good morning bloggies!!!  It is a gorgeous day outside...freezing, but beautiful!  Its making me so happy right now to look out the window at the pretty blue sky.  We've had a couple of gray days here this week so this is a very welcome change.  I am in a fabulous mood!  :) Today is an exercise rest day for me...Yay!  Not that my workouts are terribly intense during the week (at least until I increase my mileage a bit more) but I've worked out every day since last Friday and decided that after yesterday's big activity day, my body deserves a break.  Plus, tomorrow is my long run with the training group, so its good to have a rest day before that. A question for all of you spinning ladies out there...when does your bootie get used to  that hard bike seat?!?!?  I woke up so sore this morning, not in my legs or gluts, but as my yoga instructor says, my "sit bones"!!!  Ouch.  Good thing my office chair is cushy! So, on to food.  This will be a quick post because Brian and I were in a rush this morning and decided to have lunch out today instead of packing something to bring to work.  I'll try and post after lunch, but if I can't then I will definitely include lunch in my dinner post tonight. Breakfast: 1 Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin english muffin smeared with 1.5 tbsp almond butter and 1/2 an apple.  The rest of the apple on the side. 081121-b1 This was a very tasty combination, I'm quite happy right now after finishing it.  :) I got the sweetest message yesterday from Elise at Elise's Eats!  She has just started her own blog after following food blogs for some time now.  It looks great so far, and I'm looking forward to watching it develop!  Welcome, Elise! I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday and that your weather is as beautiful as mine, only warmer!  :)
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baby. got. back.


I attended my first spin class tonight....oh. my. goodness.  It was one of the best workouts I've had!  The instructor (my friend) is amazing, the workout was fabulous, the music was perfect.  I mean, this was my first spin class, but tell me who wouldn't love a class that ended with rolling hills to the sound of "Baby Got Back"?!?  Perfect. Backtrack:  My eating schedule was all off today.  I think its because I got up early for my doctor appointment and wound up eating about 60-90 minutes earlier than normal.  Or maybe the breakfast cookie didn't fill me up enough...guess I'll just have to test another of those beauties out to see! I snacked on my banana around 10:30, but was still starving so ate my pita at 11:45.  1/2 of the pita was soggy so I wound up just eating the filling out of that half.  The tuna salad and broccoli slaw went perfectly together... 081120-l3 I was meeting Christine for a walk at 12:30 and didn't want to fill up too much, so I saved my apple and Oikos for after our exercise.  If I haven't mentioned it before, pink lady apple slices dipped in plain Oikos is divine.  :) 081110-s21 Christine and I walked 3 hilly miles in about 50 minutes.  I enjoyed having chatty girlfriend time even more than getting out for exercise during was a perfect break in my day. For a snack about 1 hour before spin I ate a chocolate chip Z Bar. 081120-s2 My spin class was right after work, and when I got home Brian had dinner nearly ready!  Yummy fresh veggie stir fry on jasmine rice.  It was the perfect light meal for after my workout, and so beautiful! 081120-d2 081120-d1 081120-d3 He used:
  • broccoli
  • red bell pepper
  • carrots
  • mushrooms
  • onion
  • celery
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
  • 3 tbsp spicy szechuan sauce
  • scallions and sesame seeds on top
I ate about 1/3 of it, on top of 3/4 cup white jasmine rice.  Paired with a small glass of wine. 081120-d5 And for dessert a Kozy Shack rice pudding cup with frozen blueberries on top. 081120-d6 It was a great day.  I love big activity days because I'm not as concerned with what I consume, and I've learned to still portion things appropriately and not go overboard.  It is a very satisfying feeling.  :) I'm still looking for some good upper body workout dvd's...anybody have any suggestions?  I'd like something to combine with my running, yoga and occasional spin class... Have a great night!
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bye bye moles...


I started off my morning with a trip to the dermatologist to have a couple of moles removed.  Yuck.  My doctor is great and a couple of my little spots were suspicious to her so she decided they should go.  I trust her, so off they went.  Two on my back, one on my thigh.  I'm kinda sad about the one on my thigh...I was very familiar with it because it was so visible to me.  And now there will be an ugly scar in its place, unfortunately below my shorts line.  :(  Is it weird that I was slightly attached to my moles?  Hmmmm.....   Okay, a little backtrack.  Last night I was in such a snackie mood (as evidenced by last night's post) and had a bit of a sweet tooth attack after dinner.  I satisfied it with a cup of unsweetened applesauce and some Annie's Honey Grahams on top.  Yummy.  I just love these little Bunnies!!! 081119-d4 I also decided that I wanted to try a Fitnessista Breakfast Cookie because I've been intrigued by them on Jenna's posts lately.  So last night I mixed together:
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla soy protein powder
  • 1 tbsp PB&Co Dark Chocolate Dreams
  • 1/8 cup Silk plain soy milk
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
I mashed it all out on a plate and stuck it in the fridge overnight.  When I woke up I had a chewy breakfast cookie waiting for me! 081120-b1 081120-b2 It was basically my typical oats bowl with the addition of the Dark Chocolate PB all mashed out into cookie form.  It didn't get as hard as I expected, I wasn't able to pick it up and eat it.  But I guess that makes sense with the banana in it.  I was excited about this new breakfast creation for a couple of reasons.  1) Who doesn't love a cookie for breakfast?!?  2) One of Brian's favorite things is his grandmother's No-Bake Cookies, which are very similar to this but they stick together better and get a little harder.  And they are completely unhealthy.  I see this as a jumping off point to "healthify" a classic favorite... For lunch I stuffed 1/3 of my leftover tuna salad into a whole wheat pita, along with some broccoli slaw. 081120-l2 Paired with a plain Oikos and a Pink Lady... 081120-l1 And for a snack I have my leftover banana from yesterday and a Clif Z-Bar. 081120-s1 I have lots of exercise planned for today!  I'm meeting my friend Christine for a 45 minute hilly walk at lunchtime.  And tonight I am going to my first Spin Class!!!  A friend of mine teaches at the University's gym, and even though I'm not a member anymore since I'm not a student, she can get me into the class for just $5!  I'm super-excited.  I've been reading about everybody else's spin classes and what great workouts they are, so I can't wait to try one myself!  I'll report in tonight. I hope everybody has a fantastic day!  Almost Friday!!!
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my nose may fall off...


Is it spring yet?  This last couple of days have been our coldest yet this year, and for some reason I am not adapting to the low temperatures.  I typically accept each change of season enthusiastically, but this year I could skip right over winter... Brian and I braved the cold and went out for our mid-week training run after work.  1/2 mile warm-up, 1-1/2 mile run, 1/4 mile cool-down.  I bundled up in long pants, a long sleeve shirt, fleece vest, fleece pull-over, head band to cover my ears and gloves.  It wasn't too bad once we got moving, and my hands were hot after the first mile as usual.  I really don't get that.  Aside from my poor frozen nose the run felt really great, and I'm excited to increase mileage again on Saturday. For snacks today I skipped my banana and had another spiced apple cider with my Kashi.  No pictures... Dinner was simple, leftover black bean soup (not so soupy today) with 1/2 a sausage link crumbled in it on top of brown rice and a side of roasted brussels sprouts. 081119-d1 081119-d3 Soooo filling, I couldn't finish my beans. Ok, in an effort to not let blogging take over my evening I'm stopping now, closing my laptop lid and heading to the bathtub with my book to hopefully thaw my fingers and toes...  Have a great night!  :) UPDATE:  I forgot!  I snacked while I was waiting for my brussels sprouts to roast, on these...   Kashi TLC Cheddar Kashi TLC Cheddar  and these... green olives green olives Now I'm off to a bath!  :)
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