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monday monday


I’ll apologize now for the relatively short posts I’ll be writing the next few days. I have a big big deadline at work on Thursday and, since blogging took up a lot of my time during my work days last week (opps!), I have some busy busy work days ahead of me! This morning hubby and I slept in a little...somehow sleeping in on Monday morning doesn’t make it seem so bad to be Monday. :) So no workout, which I’m always bummed about once I get up and moving. But I never learn. For breakfast I made a bowl of cereal, surprise surprise, consisting of 1/2 cup Kashi H2H, 1/2 cup Nature’s Path Organic Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch (say that one three times in a row!), 1 medium banana, a sprinkling of pom seeds and Silk plain soymilk.  The pumpkin raisin crunch was really tasty!  I’m going to pay attention to how long this breakfast lasts for me, I ate at 7:20am so we’ll see when I’m in need of more fuel. 081110-b1 081110-b2 I enjoyed yesterday’s veggie wrap so much that I packed another one for today! The banana peppers add a nice touch. 081110-l1 On the side I’ll finish my leftover veggie dumplings from Saturday’s dinner. 081110-l21 For snacks I grabbed a Pink Lady (woohoo!) and an Oikos (another woohoo!). 081110-s1 OK, gotta go draw lots of details. I’ll post after dinner tonight, have a FANTASTIC day!!! :)
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pink ladies


Happy Sunday evening! Sorry I haven't posted all was a busy one! :) This morning I woke up craving cereal, as is usual lately. I mixed 1/2 cup Kashi Heart to Heart with 1/2 cup Back to Nature Maple Nut Medley. I topped it off with the golden raspberries I got from my garden yesterday, pom seeds that I slaved over this morning and Silk plain soymilk. These were my first pom seeds of the yum!!! (and pretty!) 081109-b1 081109-b3 Brian and I decided to go apple picking at Carter Mountain Orchard, about 10 minutes from our house.  Its so beautiful at the top of the mountain, the perfect place to go in the fall for an overlook of Charlottesville. 081109-apples-1 081109-apples-2 I love fall in Virginia!!! [but am angry at the black speck on my lense :( ] The best part.......we picked Pink Ladies!!!!!!!!  My FAVORITES! 081109-apples-3 081109-apples-4 13 pounds of beautiful Pinks.....I am a happy happy girl.  :) And of course I had to eat one while we were picking...who could resist? 081109-apples-51 We also gathered 5 pounds of granny smith apples from the bin so that I can make Brian's Nana's famous apple crisp. 081109-apples-6 After a lovely morning apple picking trip I had a vinyasa yoga class at Studio 206.  Hilary is my favorite instructor and the class was WONDERFUL.  I felt so loose and gushy and fabulous afterwards.  :)  I snacked on a chocolate chip Clif Z-Bar immediately after class because I was starving!  This was my first Z-Bar and I LOVED IT!  It tasted just like a chocolate chip cookie.  Now, it could have been my ultra-serene, after-yoga state of mind, but I'm pretty sure I will love these bars no matter the situation! 081109-s1 081109-s2 Unfortunately I had to work for a few hours this afternoon, so I packed my lunch this morning before our apple picking trip.  A veggie wrap with  
  • whole wheat tortilla
  • 2 tbsp roasted garlic hummus
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • cucumber slices
  • red bell pepper slices
  • banana peppers
  081109-l1 And a side of leftover quinoa. 081109-l2 It was yummy and filling and got me through my afternoon of work. For dinner I wanted to try a Mushroom Barley Risotto recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks, A Year in a Vegetarian Kitchen by Jack Bishop.  I love that he substitutes barley for arborio rice in the risotto because barley has much greater nutritional value and was a wonderful, earthy compliment to the mushrooms.  FYI, the barley takes a bit longer than arborio to cook. 081109-d1 Brian made lacinato kale as a side dish...another of my favorites! 081109-d3 081109-d4 081109-d5 081109-d6 I also had 2 small glasses of wine... 081109-d7 The meal was great, but risotto is very time-consuming and not something that I cook very often.   Whew!  I'm beat!!! I was tagged by Amy at CoffeeTalk!  Which means that I have some interesting facts to come up with about myself....I will post tomorrow on that. Goodnight!  :)
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getting started...


In an effort to find new motivation to eat healthfully and exercise regularly I discovered the world of food + fitness blogs.  Amazing.  So many resources out there that I never knew of!  I decided that the ultimate motivator for me could be writing about my own progress, so here I am!  I have no idea if I will ever make this public...for now I am excited just to have my own visual and verbal diary in which to record my struggles and my triumphs.  So here goes!!! The timing is perfect.  Tomorrow is Nov. 1st, and being the slightly OCD person that I am I always feel better when I have a logical start date.  You know, like the first of the month.  Or Monday.  Or the day after a big holiday.  Also, tomorrow I am starting a program to train for the Charlottesville 10-Miler, one of the hilliest and most challenging 10-mile races in the country!  I participated in the program last year but had to stop just shy of my goal due to injury (more on that later).   That's all for now.  I will update my story and reasons for keeping this blog sometime this weekend, and will officially start tracking my efforts tomorrow!  WooHoo!  :)
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